WA News

WA's fading mining boom slings surplus sheets over east

The efforts of a Perth service club to send surplus linen from shut down mining camps in WA's north to charity has now grown far bigger than its organisers ever imagined it would.

Pallet loads of new and barely used linen from closed mining projects in WA's north have been shipped to charities in Perth thanks to the quick thinking and logistical nouse of the members of the Rotary Club of Mill Point.

Over 100 pallet loads of line have been delivered so far.
Over 100 pallet loads of line have been delivered so far. Photo: Rotary Club of Mill Point

The haul of over $100,000 worth of linen was saved from being thrown to the tip by rotarian Chris Herrmann, who spotted the opportunity while on a sabbatical up north.

He helped organise a supply chain of  freight companies and warehouses to take the bedding and so far 28 charities in Perth have received a potion of the goods corralled by the hastily named 'Bed Linen Project' haul.

Club members are now sending linen over east and overseas.
Club members are now sending linen over east and overseas. Photo: Rotary Club of Mill Point

But project co-ordinator and rotarian Gerry McGann said there's now too much coming down the pipeline for local needs.

"The market is saturated, so to speak, here in Perth. The charities we've helped have all that they need for now in the short term, so we are now sending pallet loads of surplus bed linen over east," he said.


"Charities over there will receive linens and they are also being loaded into containers so they can be sent to hospitals overseas. We've got hospitals lined up in Katmandu, Africa and also in Timor - they don't have enough bedding for their day to day operations so this is a great opportunity to make a difference."

At least another 50 pallet loads of surplus linen from WA mining camps has been trucked over east so far - and there could be more on the way, with other useful items potentially entering the mix.

"We're looking at getting a hold of things like plates and cutlery, the sort of things that do get thrown away when miners come to the end of contracts and can be re-used again over a much longer time period," Mr McGann said.

"It's not the mining companies fault. They do what they do, and they don't want to throw this stuff out. It's just the tyranny of distance up north and it's not their business. But by taking this opportunity they are helping us to make a big change and help out. Rio Tinto and FMG have been very supportive of what we're doing."

Mr McGann said Rotary Mill Point is now liaising with the charities in Perth that it first helped to see what other needs they have and could potentially be fulfilled with other surplus mining goods, and also speaking to larger organisations like St Vincent de Paul and The Salvation Army.