ACT News

Green Shed posts rant begging parents to supervise kids, but nothing changes

After too many children left their store trashed, the Green Shed's Facebook page hosted a rant begging Canberra's parents not to leave their kids unsupervised while visiting their store, and nothing had changed since.

Green Shed's Charlie Bigg-Wither posted the plea after one too many late nights spent fixing up the recycling centre in Canberra, where shoppers are able to sort through a variety or second hand goods including furniture and kid's toys.

"The last straw for us, I can't remember what night it was, but we were there till 9 o'clock at night, cleaning up after the kiddies," Mr Bigg-Wither said.

"We don't want to be seen to be the Grinches; we're happy for the kids to play around and have a good time but put it back where you got it from."

Despite signs telling parents to supervise their children and the recent outpouring of empathy online, Mr Bigg-Wither said the store was still being trashed and they were considering ways to reduce the need for a clean up, including limiting the amount of toys on display over a certain size.

"When you've got a jigsaw puzzle, you go 'Do I risk putting it out and picking it up five minutes later?," Mr Bigg-Wither said.


He said the stores had security cameras but they were only used in severe cases of theft.

Users on social media were empathetic, sharing their common experiences with unsupervised and out of control kids in in grog shops, doctor's offices or even pet shelters.

Others offered suggestions on how to curb the behaviour (giving the offending kids an espresso, an earth mover and directions to the parking lot), why it was a problem (children should be seen not heard) or blaming the soccer mums from Lyneham.

The post from earlier in January asked facetiously if parents knew the Green Shed wasn't a child care centre, posting photos of the trashed soft toy aisle.

"Come on guys it's just common decency to teach your kids to be respectful. We doubt the same behaviour would be tolerated in other shops," the post read.

Mr Bigg-Wither didn't pin all the blame on kids running amok, pointing out adults often took things from the store, trashing it in the process.

"I think they steal from everywhere; it's almost a pastime for some people," he said.

"Literally anything that's not bolted down, trailer tail lights, trailer plugs, we even had to [weld] shackles to the trucks," a Facebook comment from the Green Shed read.

"I hope you [don't] stop taking toys because of the actions of a couple dickheads," one comment read on the post.

"The soccer Mums from Lyneham, have to leave their little ferals somewhere while they go have a half skim soy latte / half decaf mocha and get their nails done," another said.

Did you know The Green Shed is not a Child care centre? We love kids us much as the next person in fact between our...

Posted by The Green Shed on  Monday, January 9, 2017

Mr Bigg-Wither said no negative feedback had come from the post and asked people to respect the store.

"We love kids and it's great that they come out and ride a bike around the yard, but just put it back," Mr Bigg-Wither said.