Daily Life

Why Queen Rania is 'the most listened-to woman in the Middle East'

With 5.7 million Twitter followers, Queen Rania al-Abdullah has been called the "most listened-to woman in the Middle East". She's also one of the most watched. And admired.

The wife of Jordan's King Abdullah II, Queen Rania on Wednesday coolly turned heads as she took in the National Portrait Gallery with Lucy Turnbull as part of her and her husband's state visit to Australia and New Zealand. 

While she got cosy with the Prime Minister's wife, her husband talked counter-terrorism with George Brandis and co. The couple will on Thursday plant the obligatory National Arboretum sapling before arriving in Sydney, which will see a visit to the Rocks' Fort Street Public School for Her Majesty.

With Australia currently wracked by fears around immigration, the visiting Arab dignitary may wonder what exactly it is we have to worry about.

Jordan, sandwiched between Israel, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, has taken in 1.5 million Syrian refugees according to its government. By one World Bank estimate, refugees, mostly from Palestine, Syria and Iraq, constitute one third of Jordan's population. 


In Queen Rania's position - and make no bones, the Jordanian royal family is in a uniquely delicate diplomatic space, pivoting between the Middle East and the West and a measured voice in a region that has become synonymous with conflict - her royal highness understands age-old territorial disputes, religious conflict, terrorism, refugee flows and water shortages better than most.  

She tackles these subjects in both Arabic and English, in headscarves and Balmain maxi dresses, in Amman mosques and on the pages of HELLO! magazine.

Her rise to become the country's most prominent woman was sudden. With Crown Prince Hassan first in line for the throne, King Hussein's impending death in 1999 brought with it another shock - he nominated his son, rather than his younger brother, to become the next ruler of the Hashemite Kingdom. Abdullah was to be crowned. And his wife, Rania, would become queen.​

The founder of  the Jordan River Foundation charity went on to pen The Sandwich Swap, a best-selling children's book about cross-cultural tolerance, and is on the board of the UN Foundation. In 2011, she was placed 53 on Forbes' list of power women. She was last year presented with Germany's Walther Rathenau Prize in recognition of her work as an outstanding advocate for peace and understanding between East and West.

Muna al-Alul, a Jordanian living in Amman, told Daily Life that both the King and Queen lead by example and are "well-loved and respected" at home. 

"Queen Rania has always been a champion for women and girls in Jordan, of their empowerment and education. Both their majesties are defending the true message of Islam, in word and by example, which is peace, tolerance and moderation," she said. 

"And they are showing the world a positive image of Jordan, the region and Islam, so we are proud of them for doing something which is really challenging in the current climate."

Aida Shawwa Zaibak, a Jordanian who now spends much of her time in Chicago, agrees, and says that her Queen's enthusiasm for change is her greatest asset.  

"She gives Jordan a positive image, one that's very different to the stereotype of an Arabic, Middle Eastern country," she told Daily Life. 

"Her being so internationally accepted plays a big role in differentiating Jordan from its neighbouring countries. Jordan is now seen as a more liberal country, in the sense that women are not oppressed like in Saudi [Arabia], and get freedom and respect and access to education."

But it is perhaps her recent advocacy for her countrywomen that stands out the most to Ms Shawwa Zaibak. 

Queen Rania helped fight for new legislation, yet to come into effect, that allows Jordanian mothers to pass on their citizenship to their children, a right formerly given to Jordanian men only. The "My mother is Jordanian and her nationality is a right for me" campaign led to a move that will give citizenship to the 330,000 people often left at a disadvantage in a country where foreigners have limited social and economic rights, such as the thousands of children of Syrian men who have Jordanian wives. With war raging to the north, south, east and west, the change is a crucial protection for the displaced and vulnerable.

It hasn't all been a smooth ride. Heralded internationally for her style and beauty as she is, it is Queen Rania's Palestinian background and her home nation's history as an absolute monarchy that shape the way she is viewed in the region. Jordan, after all, is a country where men may still marry four wives and where the General Fatwa Department has a say on all things from citizenship to dress. And many in the Muslim world regard the institution of monarchy itself as un-Islamic.

Queen Rania has been criticised by Jordanian tribal leaders who view her as corrupt and overly influential. Their resentment is crystalised, perhaps, by the fact that she is of Palestinian origin - an ancestry that wins her love from Jordan's considerable Palestinian population but that is not as easy to swallow for all native Jordanians.

Two days into her visit, Queen Rania, whose Twitter profile pegs her as a "Mum and a wife with a really cool day job", is tweeting her way around her tour, proving her style credibility as much as her diplomacy - and all this as an Arab and Muslim woman in a country whose fear of all things Islam dominates so much of the current government's outlook. 

Indeed, the West has always been able to accept Muslim women and men in the context of glamour, diplomacy and even exoticism. It is the ordinary Muslim man and woman in the street - for whom Queen Rania fights at home - that pose more of an issue in today's Australia. 
