Daily Life

Why 'finding yourself' is so hard

I've spent much of my adult life trying to find myself; and I've spent almost as much time helping other people to try to find their selves. While I'm happy to say that I've definitely made some progress, and I'm pretty sure I've also helped others enjoy gains, there's absolutely no doubt that I still find it a struggle at times and I can't say I've arrived 100% at a definitive discovery. 

But the good news is that after all this time I think I at least know why; why I don't think anyone ever really or completely finds themselves, and why it will always be an ongoing project.

The changing faces of ourselves.
The changing faces of ourselves. Photo: iStock

There's more than one of us

So many for so long have urged us to find our true selves; our authentic self; the "real" us. And in principle this is a great idea. But like many things in life, it's much more complicated than it might at first appear, especially given relatively new research that suggests we don't just have one self but rather, there are multiple parts to our selves.

Earlier this year, Brian Little from Cambridge University published a fascinating book (Me, Myself, and Us: The Science of Personality and the Art of Well-Being) in which, among other things, he invites us to think about three different layers of our personality (a bit like those Russian dolls that sit within each other!). A crucial part of his argument is that if we don't fully appreciate each of the different layers we can never fully appreciate or understand ourselves.

At one level, we are biological and genetic beings- it's undeniable that some of "us" is determined by our physiology and by our genes. Above this, however, is a social layer; that which we are taught by our culture and by our families. Finally, there are the individual choices we each make as we choose our values and priorities and how we want to live our lives day to day.


I'm guessing this is possibly a bit more complicated than you might have thought!

It's something we create not find

And it gets even more complex when we look into which aspects are predetermined and can, therefore, be "found" or "discovered". It could be argued that our "true self" can be found in our genes, but that would not do justice to the important influence of factors like culture, religion and family. Even taking these into account would not be completely accurate as individual choice also requires due consideration.

Which brings me to a very important point – if at least a part of who we are is determined by how we choose to live our lives and what we choose to believe in then rather than being the end result of a search, who we are is more likely to be the end result of hard work and active effort!

It changes over time

Now if you think that's not complicated enough well I'm pleased to say there's one final construct that needs to be given serious thought.

Who we think we are changes over time as we age. Erik Erikson's concept of psychosocial development is the best known model and one which quite simple, proposes that healthy development involves progressing through different phases as we age; and within the different phases we confront and ideally master new challenges. Accordingly, as we move through each phase we learn and grow and in effect, become different (hopefully better) people.

So what does all this mean?

Although it makes intuitive sense, then, to search for one's true self we're likely to be far more successful and enjoy much more satisfaction if we instead, consciously create the self we want to be via deliberate daily choices understood within the context of our biological and social selves. Quite simply, this can be achieved via a combination of self-reflection and self-development.

So set aside some time for meditation and learning; and as you do so, be prepared to find and to create multiple versions of you!