Accumulation by Dispossession

The following article is out now in the November/December 2016 issue of Briarpatch Magazine. It was written by Kelly Rose Pflug-Back and myself. Kelly is a radical journalist, poet and author of fiction. She’s current at York University in Toronto working on her MA, studying the connections between resource extraction industries and Canadian colonialism, past and present. Continue reading Accumulation by Dispossession

Trump, Revanchism & Moving Forward After the Election

I don’t vote. I can’t vote actually. Neither in my adopted home country of kanada, nor in the united states of amerika, though my family is from the latter, and it is technically possible for me to register to vote via absentee ballot in the state of Wisconsin. There is also of course the whole argument to be made about the futility of voting. Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, Malcolm X and Emma Goldman all taught us that significant change will likely never come from the ballot box. I think that is true. As my partner, decolonial indigenous feminist philosopher extraordinaire, is fond of saying: you can’t fix liberalism with more liberalism. Additionally, there is an argument that, for us as First Nations (status & non-status), Xicano, Kānaka Maoli, Métis, Inuit, Boricua, Genízaro and Afrikan people here in Occupied Maehkaenah-Menaehsaeh, voting is ultimately a practice of affirmation and legitimization of the systems of colonial-capitalist oppression. There is something to be said on that regard as well I believe. Continue reading Trump, Revanchism & Moving Forward After the Election

“Who’s Land?” The Trials and Tribulations of Territorial Acknowledgement

This past weekend my partner and i, indigenous Ph.D students in philosophy and sociology respectively, attended the Decolonizing Education/Integrating Knowledges Summit held at the University of Waterloo, in Ontario. Part of a broader array of “Truth and Reconciliation Response Projects”—spurred into existence by the release this time last year of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Final Report on the Residential School programme in kanada—the summit saw some incredible keynote speakers, and a number of quite inspirational and informative Circle Workshops on various topics. Continue reading “Who’s Land?” The Trials and Tribulations of Territorial Acknowledgement