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In search of human rights: Is homelessness a crime punishable by lockouts?

The Concerned Network of Women partnered with the United Council of Human Services, governed by Gwendolyn Westbrook and Dr. Betty McGee, to issue hand warmers and hot chili to homeless people. On New Year’s Eve, we visited the homeless living under the Cesar Chavez Freeway exit. While under the freeway, we witnessed an eviction notice dated Dec. 29, 2016. Evicting the homeless serves little purpose, other than further implying that homeless people have no human and/or civil rights. Here is one solution: Bring services to the encampment, not locks and chains.

Behind Enemy Lines

Resistance builds against social media ban in Texas prisons

Jan 30, 2017

When Texas correctional officials earlier this month saw an article by Kevin “Rashid” Johnson online that said they had gassed him and ransacked his cell in December, they punished him – again. In April, Texas became the latest to join a trend of states banning people in prisons, who do not have access to the internet, from having a social media account, saying it could be a threat to security. Civil rights leaders have blasted the decision and maintain that it is a violation of the First Amendment.

Yogi schooled me and gave me hope

Jan 28, 2017

I hope all will know and embrace the true reality that I among millions stand strong and firm with the true and raw teachings of a real dedicated man, Yogi – yeah, Hugo Pinell. Yogi, the many moments and years I personally shared with you will never ever fade or be forgotten even as I pass away. We rocked together, sang together and even played b-ball together. Brother, you schooled me when I was mentally blinded with hate, stupidity and ignorance.

Prisoners United of Silicon Valley thank each other and supporters for a largely successful hunger strike against solitary confinement

Jan 25, 2017

Greetings and solidarity to each other and all who participated in our initial hunger strike to end the arbitrary use of solitary confinement and inhumane treatment in Santa Clara County jails. We would like to extend our respect and appre­ciation to all who participated and sacrificed to provoke change. Although we came from diverse backgrounds – be it race, religion, color or creed – we set our differences aside and inter­locked arms, forming a formidable force through civil disobedience in solidarity.

Against racism, for hope and healing, support Coyote and his family as he returns to jail

Jan 22, 2017

Coyote Acabo caught a felony assault case in July of 2015 during a Black Lives Matter protest while defending a comrade who was put in a chokehold by a white inebriated man enraged that his good time country music show was interrupted by a group of cacophonous, banner-bearing protesters. The Bay View met Coyote years ago when he was locked up in Nevada and sent us one of his brilliant commentaries on the evils of imprisonment. We rejoiced with him when he was released and ask readers to support him now as he’s locked up for doing the right thing. Donate what you can at

Rashid attacked: Texas prison officials are punishing us for exposing their abusive ways to the media

Jan 19, 2017

It is well known among staff and prisoners that if we file a grievance without any physical evidence, their failure to admit the allegations results in our claims being dismissed. Simply enough, they lie during any investigation. Outside pressure and exposure is one aspect that can counter this, which is what Rashid has been doing for years. Staff are now realizing this, too, and are retaliating to cause disruption and preserve their practices.

President Obama, grant clemency to Dr. Mutulu, Veronza, Leonard, Oscar and, posthumously, Marcus Garvey
The Folsom 6 who stood up for Yogi are vindicated
Mumia: Hepatitis C gets a knockout punch! – Update: DOC appeals, the struggle continues
Prison strike organizers to protest food giant Aramark
Decarcerate Louisiana for sustainable economies
Attorney General Loretta Lynch: Grant compassionate release to Richard ‘Mafundi’ Lake
California blames incarcerated workers for unsafe conditions and amputations
President Obama: Support Dr. Mutulu Shakur’s clemency petition
President Obama: Issue a medical parole for Imam Jamil Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown
Killing time: Lawsuit reveals officials killed prisoner, framed cellmate and lied to media
Sitawa: Exiting solitary confinement – and the games CDCr plays
If Black lives really matter, we need the courage to police the police and stop killing us
When we don’t fight hate, we are preparing for others to die
Alabama prisoner commits suicide just weeks after testifying in federal mental health trial
Mutope: Because the Bay View was there for us, the world came to our defense

News & Views

Third Street poles get red, black & green stripes in honor of Bayview’s Black heritage

Jan 31, 2017

Sunday morning, Jan. 29, San Francisco Public Works began a Bay beautification initiative, painting the poles along the Third Street commercial corridor, from Evans to Jamestown avenues, with red, black and green stripes to celebrate the neighborhood’s African-American heritage. The project was spearheaded by District 10 Supervisor Malia Cohen, who issued a statement explaining the reasoning behind the painting.

Custer died for their sins

Jan 30, 2017

Gen. George Armstrong Custer (1839-1876) paid the ultimate price for the sins of certain white people of his time who committed damn near every type of crime against humanity upon the indigenous peoples of this country. So much so that many different tribes of indigenous peoples came together, some who were sworn enemies, to fight and defeat their common oppressor. Here in 2016, once again, many different tribes of indigenous peoples, and not just from this country but from around the world, have come together to defeat their common modern day oppressor.

Berkeley: Toying with police accountability

Jan 29, 2017

It was the first time I’d ever attended a Police Review Commission meeting in Berkeley. Together with nine other community members, we went to express our opposition to three terrible policies of the city government and its police department: 1. Repeated police raids on homeless encampments, 2. City participation in the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center and its domestic spying operation, and 3. City participation in the Urban Areas Security Initiative.

Californians urged to sign up for health insurance as Jan. 31 enrollment deadline nears

Jan 28, 2017

You still have time. That’s the message Covered California officials are broadcasting across the state, encouraging residents to apply for health insurance before open enrollment ends Jan. 31. “We’re still open for business, and we want every eligible Californian to enjoy the protection and security that comes with having health insurance for themselves and their families,” Covered California Executive Director Peter V. Lee said.

Two young Ivorian inventors light up the night for rural Africa so students can study

Jan 28, 2017

According to the United Nations, 700 million Africans don’t have access to electricity most of the time in rural regions, far from urban zones. The “Fondation Energie,” founded by French political personality Jean-Louis Borloo, and the “Energy for Africa” project sponsored by Guinea President Alpha Conde are inspiring inventors to solve the problem. During 2016, two young Africans, Evariste Akoumian and Delphine Oulai, presented their responses.

Marcus Garvey Park in Oakland reclaimed for community housing and services by homeless residents, activists
Why I had mixed emotions about the Women’s March
Fleeing family or teen dating violence? Here’s A Safe Place for you
Following community pressure, SF Supervisors postpone vote on controversial Urban Shield, citing concerns of militarization and Trump administration
Women march against Washington
Lighthouse Bank vice chairman leads assault on Richmond and Mountain View voters and renters
FBI, the political police
Camp 120 in front of City Hall is protesting Mayor Lee and DA Gascón’s failure to charge SFPD killer cops
Fifty-five years after Lumumba’s assassination, Congolese see no relief
Former BPP members say, ‘NO! In the name of humanity we refuse to accept a fascist America’
In a fiery statement, Congresswoman Barbara Lee announces inauguration boycott, promises to lead the resistance
Wise words from Dr. King, a revolutionary thinker who practiced what he preached
Citywide homeless people’s assembly Tuesday to honor Martin Luther King
We did it! City College regains full accreditation
New study shows Covered California consumers saving and paying much less than expected for quality health care coverage – deadline Jan. 20

Culture Currents

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January 31, 2017
Community Tuesdays at Radio Africa & Kitchen -- dinner for $10 5:00 pm Radio Africa & Kitchen, 4800 Third St., San Francisco You’re invited to “break bread” with us in the ... more>>

Hedda Gabler: Britney Frazier stars in Cutting Ball’s stunning Ibsen classic

Jan 30, 2017

Britney Frazier is stunning as Hedda Gabler in Cutting Ball Theatre’s current production of 19th-century Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen’s classic. Hedda is a spoiled girl who settles on husband Jorgen Tesman because he demands, she says, the least emotionally from her. Francisco Arcila’s Tesman, a scholar, remains preoccupied with his work, yet delights in his wife’s choice of him. The story is deceptively simple, but then so is much of life.

‘Deep Denial: The Persistence of White Supremacy in United States History and Life’ by David Billings

Jan 29, 2017

“Race is the Rubicon we have never crossed in this country.” That’s David Billings’ thesis in his provocative new historical memoir, “Deep Denial: The Persistence of White Supremacy in the United States History and Life.” It documents the 400-year racialization of the United States and how people of European descent came to be called “White.” Billings tells us why, despite the Civil Rights Movement and an African-American president, we remain, in his words, “a nation hard-wired by race.”

‘Mama at Twilight’: Can love kill?

Jan 28, 2017

Ayodele Nzinga’s “Mama at Twilight: Death by Love” is a haunting look at a family crippled by circumstances. How does a man prepare for adult responsibilities when his father is nowhere around? When a young Marie-Rose meets Mario Jefferson at 15 doing community service at her father’s church, she knows he is the man she wants to spend her life with. Three grown children later, Mama still loves the man she fell in love with and has no regrets over its costly price or the raised eyebrows and whispers that sought to sanction her.

Take a stand and ride with Michael Marshall and Equipto against police brutality

Jan 27, 2017

Veteran R&B soul singer ​Michael Marshall​ and ​Frisco 5​ activist and rapper ​Equipto​ address the societal issue of police brutality and injustice in their new song “Tonight We Ride.” “People didn’t believe it for so long. Now we have video showing we weren’t making it up,” said Marshall. The goal of the ​GOFUNDME campaign​ is to raise $4,000 for completion of the “Tonight We Ride” video and to create awareness around his new movement R.I.D.E (REACT. INVESTIGATE. DOCUMENT. EXPOSE.).

Jay Z calls for Rikers Jail to be closed

Jan 26, 2017

Today marks the first anniversary of President Obama ending juvenile solitary in the federal prison system in response to the case of New York City teenager Kalief Browder, who committed suicide in 2015 at the age of 22. In 2010, when Kalief was just 16, he was sent to Rikers Island, without trial, on suspicion of stealing a backpack. He always maintained his innocence and demanded a trial. Instead, he spent the next nearly three years at Rikers – nearly 800 days of that time in solitary confinement.

Black Family Day is Jan. 21 at Willie Brown Middle School
Glen Upshaw to receive Humanitarian Award from Living Jazz at ‘In the Name of Love’ annual tribute to Dr. King on Sunday
Review of the new blockbuster ‘Hidden Figures’
Why our schools need community volunteers
Estella Washington: 108 years of loving service to family and community
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