This Famous Act of Chivalry Just Had A Perfect Sequel

Your adorable quota for the week is filled and it's only Monday.

23/01/2017 2:56 PM AEDT | Updated 12 hours ago
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Issei Kato / Reuters
Man saves damsel in distress.

This is great. Life should always end this way.

At last year's Australian Open, French tennis player Jo-Wilfried Tsonga took pity on a ball girl who had been hit by a ball and who, as it turned out, was also suffering from a virus.

Tsonga could see that the girl was in great discomfort. In the most gentlemanly manner possible, he offered a gratefully accepted arm and promptly escorted the girl off court. As you can see in the video of the incident, the crowd gave him a well deserved cheer.

The 2017 update to this piece of chivalry? The ball girl, whose name is Giuliana, has sent Tsonga a note, which he tweeted overnight.

The note, on a card emblazoned with the word "Merci" reads thus:

"I wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you for helping me out on court during your Round 2 match of the Australian Open 2016.

I'm not sure if you remember me, but I was the ball girl you escorted off court.

I would also like to take the opportunity to apologise for the times when you asked for the ball but I didn't service it to you or acknowledge you.

I had picked up a virus which I was unaware of and it caused me to become dizzy and lightheaded. This also affected my vision and hearing.


I apologise for not being able to perform my duties as a ballkid to the high standard that is expected.

"Thank-you so much for the kindness that you showed me. I really appreciate that you were able to see that I needed some help and were kind enough to escort me off court.

"Congratulations on making it to the next round. I wish you all the best for your upcoming games and I hope you are able to make it to the very end of the Australian Open!

"Thank-you again,


"Giuliana – AO Ballkid no. 180."

OK, that'll do us. Kid refers to herself as "AO Ballkid no. 180. Your adorable quota for the week is filled, and it's only Monday.

Oh, and for the record, Tsonga plays Stan Wawrinka in the Australian Open quarter finals on Tuesday. The 31-year-old Frenchman is currently ranked 12 in the world. He's been a good player for a long time, since his run to the final here in Melbourne in 2008.

But he's been a great sport for even longer.

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