TPP: Federal Government scrambles to salvage Asian trade deal

Donald Trump (AP: Evan Vucci)ABC News

The Federal Government is scrambling to rethink the TPP after President Trump pulled out.

Cyber-security 'the new frontier for warfare'

Malcolm Turnbull (ABC News)ABC News

Malcolm Turnbull has declared cyber security 'the new frontier of warfare' and espionage.

'Severely unaffordable': Sydney housing nightmare

Terraces in Sydney (ABC News - Ursula Malone)ABC News

A new survey paints a dire picture of housing affordability for Sydney's middle-income earners.

Why sport (and art) matters

Nick Cave (Supplied - Andrew Fuller) Opinion

Art may highlight the human condition, but sport matters too, writes ABC National Sport Editor David Mark.

Fossils of 'wolf-sized' otter unearthed in China

Huge otter (YouTube) ABC Science

Scientists have unearthed fossils of a huge otter that lived in Chinese wetlands about 6.2 million years ago.

Will Luke die in the next Star Wars?

Luke Skywalker (Supplied) ABC News

Disney has revealed that the next Star Wars movie will be called Star Wars: The Last Jedi, setting off rampant speculation.

Sydney swelters, heatwave records tumble in Moree

Moree summer sunrise (Twitter: @EconoLodgeMoree) ABC News

As the mercury soars in Sydney, spare a thought for the people of Moree, in the midst of a record-breaking 27-day heatwave.

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