Police are investigating what a union official has described as a "serious" incident at Canberra's jail, which left at least one prison guard injured.

Lawyers for former Family First senator Bob Day urge the High Court to reject evidence from two witnesses as the court considers whether he was validly elected.

Soils trampled by thousands of troops that left to fight in World War One from South Australia will feature in a new memorial garden project at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

Parents can feel uncomfortable talking about it and children often dread hearing about it, but how was sex education approached during the earlier part of the 20th century?

A man who robbed a taxi driver at knife point and was involved in a carjacking in Canberra's north is sentenced to more than four years' jail.

A woman tells the High Court she signed documents for the purchase of a building owned by former Family First senator Bob Day without reading them.

On a windy night late last January, Jan and Geoff McKergow's house at Forbes Creek was torn to rubble in a freak storm described as a mini tornado. One year on, they are still putting the pieces of their dream home back together.

It's a high stakes game for former Labor senator Anne McEwen, who is waiting not just to hear whether former Family First senator Bob Day was validly elected, but also what orders the court will make about how the vacancy should be filled.

Veterans often face a distinct set of challenges when trying to enter the civilian workforce, but companies are increasingly seeking out former Defence personnel for employment opportunities.

Tennis legend Andre Agassi says Nick Kyrgios's next coach must accept the mercurial young star warts and all and delve deep into his tortured soul.

Two of Australia's national galleries welcome hundreds of dogs to their grounds, allowing art-lovers the chance to involve their furry friends in two major exhibitions.

US foreign policy will become unpredictable under President Trump and Australian should avoid "complacency" on national security, researchers say.

Meet the people behind the helicopters and planes which helped control the raging Tarago and Sutton grassfires over the past week.

Video 9secs

The DC10, known as the Southern Belle, drops retardant on the Tarago fire.

A Canberra man who allegedly detonated fireworks in the bathrooms of two Canberra nightclubs in 2011 is refused bail after undergoing mental health tests.

Imagine handling objects worth millions of dollars and, on the rare occasion, smeared with the blood of a US president. It is all in a day's work for a conservator.

This week's devastating fire at Tarago that destroyed a home and burnt out almost 3,400 hectares was sparked when a bird flew near powerlines, firefighters say.

Video 36secs

Aerial footage of where the fire ripped through more than 3,000 hectares of land around Tarago.

Video 23secs

ACT Policing footage of the fire damage inside the Fyshwick building.

A clubhouse used by the Comancheros outlaw motorcycle gang is partially destroyed by a suspicious fire in the Canberra suburb of Fyshwick.

Thanks to milder weather, firefighters finally contain two big grassfires in southern New South Wales — one of which destroyed a property near Bungendore.

One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts lobbied Australian diplomats in Washington for tickets to US President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade says.

Children love to see the stuffed teddy bears and honey pots at Pooh Bear's Corner, but who created this Clyde Mountain spectacle?

The past is being dug up at Triabunna on Tasmania's east coast at a site believed to have once been a British military barracks.

Canberrans living on the edge of the city are being urged to join volunteer town brigades, also known as Community Fire Units.
