Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull declares cyber security "the new frontier of warfare" and espionage, while announcing new measures to protect Australian democracy from foreign interference.

You can be sure that when vast amounts of money move in a particular direction, somewhere, somehow, a powerful person, or group of powerful people, have made an important decision about something.

The Government is scrambling to rethink the Trans-Pacific Partnership after Donald Trump pulled the US out of the Asian trade deal, with Malcolm Turnbull hoping the remaining 11 countries can salvage the pact.

The United States will send its largest aircraft deployment to Australia as part of the next rotation of Marines to Darwin in coming months, as part of a "more diversified" and "more capable force".

Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg says the Government has no plans to scrap its renewable energy targets, despite internal criticism and concerns US President Donald Trump may withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement.

Australia's political parties are being urged to steel themselves against potential foreign cyber attacks in the wake of the US election, with Malcolm Turnbull summoning party chiefs for a security briefing in Canberra.

Donald Trump signs an executive order formally pulling the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, while also ordering the US government to stop hiring more workers.

It would be possible to renegotiate the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal if US President Donald Trump maintains his opposition to the 12-nation agreement, an international law expert says.

A woman tells the High Court she signed documents for the purchase of a building owned by former Family First senator Bob Day without reading them.

The Federal Government will seek a revised Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal without support from US President Donald Trump, claiming it will still bring "tremendous" benefits to exporters.

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection is seeking tenders for a self-processing system to be introduced at airports later this year.

The new US administration of President Donald Trump says its trade strategy to protect American jobs would start with withdrawal from the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact.

Post-inauguration women's marches in Australia and New Zealand launch a global human rights event expected to attract over 2 million people worldwide.

Some of Australia's most high-profile medicinal cannabis advocates band together to launch a new campaign for better access to the drug, saying current legislation is leaving those needing it facing a "catastrophic event".

A Chinese-Australian man running for Pauline Hanson's One Nation in the West Australian election defends the party leader's comments, saying her "views are not reflective of what they are today".

US foreign policy will become unpredictable under President Trump and Australian should avoid "complacency" on national security, researchers say.

If a major conflict erupted between the United States and China, many observers believe it will happen in Australia's backyard.

The Federal Government announces an independent review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme to examine overall costs, value for money and its long-term sustainability.

Federal MP Bob Katter says he will introduce legislation to Parliament to restrict the sale of inauthentic Aboriginal art by creating a licensing scheme and logo, similar to the Australian Made brand, that could only be used by Indigenous artists.

As Mission Australia reports seeing a rise in young people seeking their services, the future of a successful program helping to prevent them from ending up sleeping rough hangs in the balance.

Alcoa's Portland aluminium smelter will continue production over the next four years thanks to a $240 million government rescue package, but why was the facility at risk and how will this bailout help?

Wall Street ends lower as investors remain cautious ahead of President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration, and energy and utilities shares lose ground.

On Wednesday night I interviewed Liberal Party MP Ken Wyatt for 7.30. This shouldn't be remarkable but I suppose it is. The fact that it has taken until 2017 makes it so, writes Indigenous affairs editor Stan Grant.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott categorically rejects Malcolm Turnbull's allegation that traditional cabinet processes were absent under his leadership.

Centrelink staff working on the agency's controversial debt claw-back program have been told to ignore errors in calculations and push through debts they know are incorrect, according to an anonymous letter written by a person claiming to be a compliance officer with the agency.
