

  1. Markets Trumped

    You can be sure that when vast amounts of money move in a particular direction ... somewhere, somehow, a powerful person, or group of powerful people, have made an important decision about something.

  2. China's questionable data

    To the absolute surprise of no one, Chinese economic growth came in at an annualised growth rate of 6.7 per cent in 2016.

  3. Farm stays popular

    Digital start-up Youcamp makes a play to change the way people think about camping by offering travellers the chance to stay on farms.

  4. Virtual reality in real life

    When you think of virtual reality, you think of fancy headsets used for gaming and entertainment, but what if the technology could be applied to make building a house easier?

  5. Sydney tourism support

    Investing in the tourism industry should be one of the top priorities for the next NSW premier, a tourism expert says.

  6. Immigration masks decline

    A huge increase in migration has been driving headline economic growth, but it's also masked a dirty secret - individuals haven't felt the benefit of this record run.

ASX Quotes

Table showing ASX index quotes for today (as of Tue Jan 24 2017 13:29:30 GMT+1100 (AEDT))
Index Opening Closing Change
5668.00 5684.70 0.3%
5611.00 5628.70 0.3%
2079.90 2078.10 -0.1%
9241.70 9225.20 -0.2%
6401.30 6395.70 -0.1%
20725.50 20939.00 1%
809.90 808.00 -0.2%
10026.30 10188.30 1.6%
4953.40 4957.40 0.1%
8807.30 8828.00 0.2%
1797.60 1797.20
7987.20 7886.20 -1.3%
2343.60 2351.80 0.3%

Last updated

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