Regional News

  1. Trump's CIA director

    The US Senate confirms Mike Pompeo to be President Donald Trump's Central Intelligence Agency director, despite concerns he might expand the use of techniques widely considered to be torture.

  2. Day of Patriotic Devotion

    US President Donald Trump officially declares the day of his inauguration the National Day of Patriotic Devotion as one of his first executive orders.

  3. What happens to Trump's deleted tweets?

    A National Archives official says the US agency has yet to rule on whether it will be required to keep Donald Trump's altered or deleted tweets, which are considered as presidential records.

  1. Australia's post-US TPP options

    Agricultural leaders say they will back the Government's push for a TPP deal without the US.

  2. Trump withdraws from TPP

    Donald Trump delivers on his campaign promise to formally withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership,

  3. Indonesian migrants drown near Malaysia

    The bodies of 10 people believed to be Indonesian migrants are found washed ashore in Malaysia.

  1. TPP rethink

    The Government is scrambling to rethink the Trans-Pacific Partnership, despite the official withdrawal of its most influential member.

  2. TPP 'can't be salvaged'

    Reserve Bank board member Heather Ridout says the Trans-Pacific Partnership cannot be salvaged and the Government needs to move on to other regional trade deals.

  3. Sydney's housing nightmare

    Sydney's housing is rated less affordable than global metropolises New York and London in a report that paints a dire picture for the city's middle-income earners.

  4. 'Earnings bonanza' predicted

    Bank of America Merrill Lynch is expecting a bumper year for Australian stocks, predicting the ASX 200 will hit 6,100 by the end of the year.

  1. Weary Warner ready for rest after a standout year

    Having picked up his second straight Allan Border Medal, David Warner admits he is badly in need of a rest before Australia's big tour of India.

  2. Venus Williams beats Pavlyuchenkova to reach Aus Open semis

    Venus Williams beats Russia's Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova to reach the Australian Open semi-finals for the first time since 2003.

  1. Starting boarding school

    For some students, starting school means leaving home as they travel more than 2,000km to board for the academic year.

  2. Erasing Tourette's stigma

    A father and his son, who both have Tourette's, say it is time to put and end to the stigma.

  3. Help or hindrance: Tablets in primary school

    Are there any proven benefits of primary school-aged children using devices in the classroom?

  1. Charity's free breakfast service evolves into more than a hot meal

    There are calls to expand free meal services across Darwin, after a charity's ad-hoc breakfast program evolves into a first aid and welfare initiative for the homeless, sick and abused.

  2. Three puppies found alive in Italy avalanche rubble

    Emergency crews digging into an avalanche-slammed hotel are cheered by the discovery of three puppies who survived for days under tonnes of snow, giving them new hope for the 22 people still missing in the disaster.

  3. Catherine Keenan's year as Australia's Local Hero

    Sydney Story Factory director Dr Catherine Keenan prepares to pass the baton as Australia's Local Hero and reflects on a year of helping students express themselves through writing and storytelling.

  1. Do you really want to get fit?

    You've vowed to get fit. Great. The thing is, it's a promise you've made to yourself before. So how can you tell if things will be different this time?

  2. Study questions ADHD diagnosis

    Children who are younger than their school peers are much more likely to be on medication for ADHD, a new study finds.

  3. The power of plant-based diets

    Eating a plant-based diet — rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes — can help slow or prevent various processes of disease that begin long before diagnosis, writes Karen Burge.

  1. Australia's post-US TPP options

    Agricultural leaders say they will back the Government's push for a TPP deal without the US.

  2. Queensland misses bumper year

    An unusually strong agricultural production in 2016 is unlikely to be repeated this year, the Australian Farm Institute says.

  3. Grasshoppers swarm outback

    Central Australia is overrun with yellow-winged grasshoppers after constant rainfall.