Elliott Lusztig


In my real life I'm actually a nice person.





  1. Somebody needs to tell us what they heard from Comey. At this point the secrecy serves what public good?

  2. As I told , I will not be attending . I will be at home in Cleveland.

  3. Over 6k strong standing for ACA in Boston!

  4. 4. It's like taking 60 years of hard fought America political capital & spending it all to serve Trump and his core constituency.

  5. Elliott Lusztigさんがフォローしました: , , and 3 others
    • @XopherFL

      God don't like ugly. not monetarily affiliated with . personal account.

    • @vj44

      Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama. Chair of the White House Council on Women and Girls.

  6. 3. But we are trading short term gains that mostly benefit Trump's Presidency for long term dislocations whose costs will be felt 4 decades.

  7. 2. He will get away with his bullying. Because the US can. If we want to bully and browbeat companies, our strength allows us to do that.

  8. Trump is taking the economic, trade, & security regime the US invented and in a sense imposed on the world - and lighting it all on fire.

  9. Five fucking days from President of the United States. He still can't stop trolling SNL. For god sake will you please grow up.

  10. This is remarkable: He is now threatening BMW with a 35% tariff if they go through w/their plans for a plant in Mexico instead of the US.

  11. It's just FUCKING AMAZING that Trump keeps using the term ILLEGALS to refer to refugees. It's just. I have no words.

  12. Donald Trump, due to be President of the United States in just 5 days, is back to saying NATO is obsolete. Contradicting his own nominees.

  13. 4. Lastly, he confirmed the utter madness that his son-in-law will be brokering a Middle-East peace agreement. Just incredible.

  14. 3. Trump clarified that he is targeting Angela Merkel. For admitting what he at one point, revealingly, called "illegals." For god sake.

  15. 2. Sanctions on Russia are coming to an end. I'm sure the two countries will sign nominal & perfunctory nuclear agreements & terminate.

  16. 1. First, it's clear the Theresa May government is anxious to collaborate on a deal Trump loves because it encourages more EU defections.

  17. This interview is another train wreck. It portends many very bad developments.

  18. Another west coaster. Thank you Rep Jayapal.



