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Martin Belam
As long as you live you'll never see a photograph of 7 women signing legislation about what men can do with their reproductive organs
JamesG Jan 23
Nevermind this is a total misrepresentation. It's about sending American taxpayer money overseas to pay for it
Jordan Cartmell Jan 23
the smug, knowing look on this guy is chilling
Daniel Reid Jan 23
TamarađŸ˜ș Jan 23
Like I continue saying, this country needs better men (period)!
Lucy HunterBlackburn Jan 23
Something extraordinarily sinister at the mass witnessing and expressions of relish on some.
joe Jan 23
nice virtue signalling white knight cuck snowflake
Steejo Jan 23
I don't agree with what has been done but this tweet is rather derivative and misleading.
Elliott Lusztig Jan 23
Imagine they are celebrating the signing of Mandatory Vasectomy legislation.
Natasha Jan 23
That’s not true. I could EASILY find 6 other women to help sign the “These 7 Men Can Go Fuck Themselves” Bill.
Christopher Adams Jan 23
how are you for paying for abortions in other countries. How the fuck does that make sense
Kate Jan 23
The US doesn't pay for abortions performed in other countries. That's not what this is about.
Tim Schorer Jan 23
@DragonDan2453 posted by a guy who voted for a billionaire, who appointed a cabinet full of billionaires
Dave Earley Jan 23
for 3.8k RTs, I'm surprised you've only got 71 replies to this tweet! Enjoy ;)
Daniel Halford Jan 23
yes you will, women can be just as stupid as men and far more manipulative
Heidi JÀrvikylÀ Jan 23
To pay for what? Reproductive healthcare?
Christopher Adams Jan 23
it is what's about, 607 million last year alone when America is 19 trillion in debt.
JamesG Jan 23
SInce when is the USA required to pay for services using our taxpayer dollars for people in other nations?
Kate Jan 23
No, because again, no money went towards funding actual overseas abortions.