Ivana Kovac Kuti


Law person. Wife. Mum to 3 kids & 2 pugs. Connoisseur of 90s music. Not devoted to any political party. Tweets about politics, law and stuff that's on my mind.

Sydney, Australia
Geregistreerd in juli 2015


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  1. 13 uur geleden

    No prizes for guessing which one was in the section of the store labelled "boys". Seriously, . It's 2017. This is just pathetic.

  2. 17 uur geleden
    Als antwoord op

    Needless to say, I'm not entertaining the possibility of anyone else being to blame for this. I'm a 5-star passenger, dammit.

  3. 17 uur geleden
    Als antwoord op

    I mean, I did tell the guy that my mother was going to be in the car. He could've taken that into account before deciding to hurt me so.

  4. 17 uur geleden

    🚨Extremely important update🚨 I ordered an Uber for Mum last wk. I quizzed her about it. She says she sat in the back & didn't talk very much

  5. heeft geretweet

    Empires rise, empires fall, the stars themselves are born and die, but the spinelessness of Marco Rubio is eternal

  6. 19 uur geleden

    Next time someone questions why I don't fawn over my MP, I'll direct them to this paragraph by First Dog on the Moon

  7. heeft geretweet
    22 uur geleden
  8. heeft geretweet

    Excited about new FBI Director Jared Kushner!!

  9. heeft geretweet
    22 uur geleden

    [puts down crack pipe, throws welfare cheque into roaring fire] “You can just GET a job?!” [next day] [is a CEO]

  10. heeft geretweet

    President's campaign is under FBI investigation and president fires FBI director. Nothing to see here. Move along.

  11. 9 mei
    Als antwoord op

    Aaaaand as the lovely has just pointed out, I'll never get back to 5 again because maths. Great.

  12. 9 mei
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    Obviously my life goal is now to: (a) beat my husband's rating; and (b) get back to 5 stars.

  13. 9 mei
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    I just checked my husband's score and it's 4.88. This is shocking and maddening. I'm so much more conversational and cheerful than he is.

  14. 9 mei

    I'm really quite upset that my Uber rating has somehow dropped from a perfect 5 to a pathetic 4.81. Show your face, fault-finding driver.

  15. 9 mei

    Denmark is so nauseatingly clever and smug and tonight's just rubs that in our faces.

  16. 9 mei

    The ABC budget coverage is giving me flashbacks.

  17. 9 mei

    Oh good. Negative gearing isn't being touched because mum & dad investors. Now excuse me while I go bang my head against a wall.

  18. 9 mei

    Huge thanks to Scott Morrison for this. It will be really handy for all the many Sydney apartments that go for $300,000.

  19. heeft geretweet
    9 mei
    Als antwoord op

    And stop using smart women as your fucking personal fan club, and promote their careers instead

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