- published: 24 Oct 2015
- views: 17743204
The simple station Parque is a part of the TransMilenio mass-transit system of Bogotá, Colombia, opened in the year 2000.
The station is located in southern Bogotá, facing the Parque El Tunal, from which it gets its name. Specifically, it is located on Avenida Ciudad de Villavicencio with Calle 55 Sur.
In 2003, a few months after the opening of the Portal del Norte, the Avenida Ciudad de Villavicencio line was opened, including this station.
This station does not have connections to feeder routes.
This station does not have inter-city service.
Las 2 Muñecas Jugando en el Parque
TuTiTu Parque de juegos
Nós no parque
Adoptamos un KSI MERITO y juega en el PARQUE DE BOLAS Juguetes Distroller
Jugando en el Parque de Agua
Parque Diversiones p3
CONOCIENDO PARQUE DE LAS AGUAS | Venezolano En Perú - Eduard Millán
¡Ver ahora!: "TuTiTu en Español | Top 30 más populares | 70 minutos!" ➨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_qSSxcWZcc -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- TuTiTu -- "Los juguetes cobran vida" es un programa de televisión animado en 3D dirigido a un público de 2-3 años. TuTiTu estimulará la imaginación y creatividad de los niños a través de coloridas formas. En cada episodio las formas de TuTiTu se convertirán en un nuevo y emocionante juguete. Juegos TuTiTu GRATIS: http://www.tutitu.tv/index.php/games Dibujos TuTiTu para colorear GRATIS en: http://www.tutitu.tv/index.php/coloring Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/TuTiTuTV Production & Animation: Twist Animation Ltd. Production Designers: Tal Gamliel, Yossi Dahan TuTiTu'S Theme Song: Lyrics: Sarit Ido Schechter, Music: Sarit Ido Schechter and Tal Gamliel Musi...
SUSCRÍBETE: https://goo.gl/Mo5zBO ¡¡¡¡¡POR FIN LLEGÓ NUESTRO KSI MERITO!!!!!! Es Machincuepa. La hemos adoptado, le hemos quitado el cordón umbilical, la hemos vacunado....Nos han venido a visitar Tinga y Berinaiz. Y le hemos comprado un parque de bolas al neonato ksi merito Machincuepa. Nos encanta este pimpollo y le hemos comprado papillas, sueros, vacunas, pañalera, neceser de aseo, pañales, toallas húmedas, talco, etc. Todo lo necesario para que este juguete bebé distroller esté en perfecto estado. Hemos seguido todas las recomendaciones de la enfermera Tania. SI ERES UN FAN DISTROLLER O UN FAN KSI MERITO, ESTE VÍDEO TE ENCANTARÁ. ABRACITOS CON ESTRELLAS. Historias con muñecas y juguetes Distroller y Ksi Meritos 🌟Berinaiz: Le encanta la moda. Termina todas las palabras con la letra "e...
De paseo en el parque de agua! Que divertido!
Baixe nosso novo jogo "As Aventuras da Baby V" - http://asaventurasdababyv.com.br/ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Novos Batons Flavia Calina Basics: http://goo.gl/YORHkt Último vídeo: É BOM FALAR SOBRE OS SENTIMENTOS - https://youtu.be/hYJrylTINCg ------------------------------------------------------------------ Oi pessoal, tudo bem? Tivemos um final de semana repleto de atividades! Fomos em parques, andamos em brinquedos, um escorregador gigante, e terminamos o fim de semana com fogos de artifício! Espero muito que gostem e lembrem sempre de avaliar o vídeo. Beijos e mais beijos ! --------------------------- Links para me achar ------------------------------------- Blog: http://www.flaviacalina.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fl...
PARK TUPÃ , PARQUE TUPÃ, PARK ITINERANTE, PARQUE DE DIVERSÃO - FLORIANÓPOLIS na Av. Gov. Gustavo Richard 850 * Dias e Horários de funcionamento: Aberto de Terça a Domingo e Feriados a partir das 14 Horas – Funciona normalmente até as 21 Horas. * Atendimento a fornecedores: De Segunda a Sexta ( Agendar por telefone )(48) 8475 2386 * Ingressos: Acesso ao Park: R$ 5,00 Entrada por pessoa e mais R$ 5,00 por Brinquedo OU Passaporte de Terça a Sexta R$ 20,00 ( Promoção Escolar Férias de Julho ) e Sábados, Domingos e Feriados R$ 30,00 -
Hola amigos divertidos!!!! Os acordais del parque donde me fui para Halloween? Pues esta vez me fui al parque Warner a pasar un día de Navidad. Espero que os guste mucho y me regaléis un like. Un millón de besos divertidos!! Mis redes sociales https://www.facebook.com/ladiversiondemartina/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/martinadant2005 Instagram: https://instagram.com/la_diversion_de_martina/
Epale chamos, hoy les traigo un recorrido por Parque De las Aguas ¡En serio es brutal! si han ido o les gusto cuéntenme en los comentarios. Me pueden seguir en mis redes aqui estaré subiendo el dia a dia. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eduardmillan13/?hl=es Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EduardMillan13/ Correo Contacto: Eduardmillancontacto@gmail.com No olviden dejar un like y sus comentarios S U S C R I B E T E E S G R A T I S.
More nightmares
Someone wake me when they're through
Stop my lover's ghost from trying to protrude
(You're burning, you're burning)
It's chaotic, but I've got it
You're letter scratched across my throat
Like some painter's ink, spilled the canvas soiling parts of me
Cover up, cover up, all the fusion's lost
I know this sucks but one day you'll meet up
I miss the softness of your sound
The taste of you left in my mouth
Is Mississippi done yet burning?
Sick sounds like stomach's stinging
I search out, but you cannot be found
A red horizon in the south
Is Mississippi done yet burning?
Most nights bleat every feeling
I must get back to you somehow
I must get back to you
Your shadow
Now lies against the moon
The skin I touched that once
Kissed has come unglued
(You're burning, you're burning)
It's chaotic, but I've got it
More screams than anyone should hear
The voice of you stabs in my chest
Forged and faithless
Cover up, cover up, all the fusion's lost
I know this sucks but one day you'll meet up
I miss the softness of your sound
The taste of you left in my mouth
Is Mississippi done yet burning?
Sick sounds like stomach's stinging
I search out, but you cannot be found
A red horizon in the south
Is Mississippi done yet burning?
Most nights bleat every feeling
I must get back to you somehow
I must get back to you
Darling boy
Lift your chin up for me now
For my face to see
And I am smiling looking down
I know you're out of breath
You're hit by the way I've left
Just hold me tried and true
For I'll be waiting
Waiting here for you
So dim these lights, I won't be found
This haunting stops right here and now
There's pain and in his eyes of fixed dreaming
I'm tired without you, so let it be
So dim these lights, I won't be found
This haunting stops right here and now
There's pain in his eyes of fixed dreaming
I'm tired without you, so let it be
Is Mississippi done yet burning?
Most nights bleat every feeling
I must get back to you somehow