Entrepreneurial Learning in action

For most of us, entrepreneurship is either an accidental journey, or it is something that is copied from an existing family business. What are the barriers to being more entrepreneurial and innovative? Research shows that it is a combination of knowledge, confidence and networks.

If our youth don’t feel like they know what to do, how to do it, or who to do it with, there is no way they can aspire to change the world, build their wealth, or become a business leader. Whether they want to be a social or commercial entrepreneur, or even an employee or professional, they need basic skills and nous to succeed.

Why this is important for the next generation

Although there is no single definition of entrepreneurship, essentially the term describes the mindset and activities that seek to create value by leveraging new markets, or new products, or new processes. It describes the process of doing business differently. So it’s all about change, creativity, and innovation.

When scholars talk about creating value, they don’t just mean money. Creating value can include making money (a commercial business goal) but also creating change for society and the environment (goals for social enterprises). So, remember that entrepreneurship is all about creating value (whether pecuniary, social, cultural or environmental).

Entrepreneurship is important for us all, as it’s been shown that entrepreneurial firms account for the vast majority of employment growth. So our youth of today will probably end up working for entrepreneurial firms (if they don’t go out and start their own).

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What’s so different about startup.business?

Current pathways of education are not inspiring, impacting nor nurturing nascent entrepreneurs. We know that young adults (like adults) don’t want to be trained or taught… but they do want to learn.

We learn because of our curiosity, because of the challenges we face, because of the things we do… and as we learn we grow. That’s why we’ve brought together entrepreneurs and academics to design a unique program of learning.

Entrepreneurial Learning In Action®

startup.business works closely with schools and teachers to deliver a program of basic learning and engaged activity for students aged 10-17.

Six modules introduce students to entrepreneurship concepts and opportunities. A number of events also encourage the parents and entrepreneurial communities surrounding these schools to engage at the local, regional, state and national levels.

We want our participants to be seeing, thinking, doing and being like an entrepreneur – they’ll be learning in action, and connecting with others at the same time. At the same time they’ll see what business is all about for them, and what it could mean for their future careers.