Daily Life

Shane Warne bowled over at Brynne Edelsten's home

He's known for his fair share of sexting scandals, so what's one more for retired Australian cricketer, Shane Warne.

The 46-year-old father-of-three drew attention to his most recent (attempted) liaison with Brynne Edelsten, 33, ex-wife of former billionaire and deregistered GP, Geoffrey Edelsten, 73, however the pictures of the scene do little to support his very public Facebook claims that it was nothing but a friendly "nightcap".

The retired King of Spin looked like a blond-haired, tanned, doe-eyed deer caught in headlights when he was captured by the flashbulbs as he returned to Edelsten's apartment at 3am after a charity event in Melbourne on May 12.

The pair had attended a poker event in aid of the National Breast Cancer Foundation at the Sphinx Hotel in Geelong earlier in the night, later retiring to Crown Casino's Mahogany Room around 11pm before leaving 15 minutes apart for her home, according to the photographer.

Text messages obtained by Woman's Day reveal Warne telling Edelsten that he couldn't wait to "devour" her.


She replied to say the "pap is still out the front," to which he responded: "Annoying! Good we are leaving separately. I will wait 15 mins then, can't wait X. (sic)"

The sportsman-turned-commentator seemed persistent in his endeavour, sending eight messages in succession, before Edelsten responded that she was home safely.

"Excited for me to devour u?" he asked her.

"Did you know that pap would be there? My ex is going to kill me if that comes out," she replied, referring to her former bodybuilder beau, Red Volkan.

"No idea," he says, "Are you coming to get me?"

At first, Edelsten denied selling screengrabs of their exchange. But Woman's Day editor Fiona Connolly said Edelsten offloaded them through a press agency. Meanwhile, Warne has claimed the texts were edited and he was glad he "dodged a bullet" with the former reality television star.

Taking to his Facebook page the day after the event, he lambasted the American who he claimed tried to cash in on him by having photographers perched outside her home.

"Some people never cease to amaze me. Listen to this one," the I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out Of Here! star started out. 

"After a fun night raising money for breast cancer in Geelong last night, me and a few friends plus Brynne Edelsten went out for a couple of drinks.

"Brynne then invited me back to her place around 1am for a nightcap, when I arrived, paparazzi were conveniently waiting outside her home to get the pic, coincidence? I left instantly and thought how sad is that!"

In January, the ex-bowler announced he was shutting down his charitable foundation, blaming "unwarranted speculation" about its financial and regulatory problems, published in Fairfax Media, for the closure.


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