

BHP Billiton and Vale's troubled Samarco venture hit with class action from noteholders

BHP Billiton and its partner in the troubled Samarco mine venture, Vale, are facing a fight with its bankers after a class action was filed in New York on behalf of the holders of $2.2 billion in notes used to fund the disastrous project.

Brazilian Bank Banco Safra SA has filed the claim on behalf of itself and other unnamed noteholders alleging the joint venture entity Samarco Mineracao breached its disclosure requirements. Samarco Mineracao is a joint venture between BHP Billiton and Vale.

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Construction flaws blamed for Samarco disaster

An investigation into last year'€™s Samarco mine disaster in Brazil has found the fatal collapse was due to construction and design flaws. Vision courtesy ABC News 24.

Samarco's chief executive Ricardo Vescovi has also been named as a defendant alongside Samarco. BHP and Vale, which each own half of Samarco are not listed as defendants.

It is believed international banks, including a host of US banks, also hold interests in the notes that have a 10-year term and were issued in 2012, 2013 and 2014.

It's the second class action filed in New York following the dam collapse at the mine that killed 19 people, the first being a class action brought on behalf of holders of BHP's American issued shares. Staff from BHP and Vale are also facing criminal charges in Brazil over the collapse.

Last week BHP said it, its partner Vale and their jointly owned Samarco unit had set a deadline to settle billions of dollars in compensation claims stemming from the disaster filed in Brazil.


Warnings 'ignored'

The fresh noteholders' US claim alleges Samarco assured noteholders of its environmental protection efforts despite ignoring repeated warnings that foresaw the deadly dam collapse.

"[The] defendants made false and/or misleading statements, as well as failed to disclose material adverse facts about the company's business, operations, and prospects," the claim alleges.

It adds this was done "to defraud in connection with the purchase and sale of securities".

The noteholders allege that during the first two trading days after news of the dam collapse emerged on November 5, the value of the Samarco notes plummeted.

The value of the "2022" note fell by $US25.77 ($34.03) or about 30.63 per cent, to close at $58.38. The "2023" note dived $35.86, or 39.74 per cent to $54.36, and the "2024" note dropped $30.42 or 35.18 per cent to $56.07, according to the claim.

The value of the notes dropped further on November 30 when the Brazilian government announced it would commence legal proceedings against Samarco, BHP and Vale over the dam collapse, the noteholders allege, according to the claim.

On that day the value of the "2022" note dived $10.13, or 21.6 per cent to close at $36.79, the "2023" note slid $11.58, or 24.57 per cent, to $35.55 and the "2024" note fell $10.58, or 22.54 per cent, to $36.34.

The value of the securities have since improved to around $68 each.

Rating stable

On Monday, ratings agency Standard & Poors reaffirmed BHP's credit rating and upgraded its outlook to stable from negative.

The class action is open to any entity that purchased securities in one or all of the notes between October 31, 2012 and November 30, 2015.

A spokesman for Samarco declined to comment. BHP and Vale also declined to comment.

In November, BHP applied to the court to have the shareholder case dismissed on the grounds the claim has no basis in fact and that the shareholders are seeking to "capitalise on this tragedy at Samarco's dam by pursuing a securities fraud claim against the indirect parent company of one of Samarco's shareholders, BHP Billiton, and several BHP Billiton executives".