Donald Trump: The independent in the White House

Donald Trump's excoriation of the Republican and Democratic establishment for their collective failures in his brazen nationalist inaugural address signals we may witness the first quasi-independent President in the White House in modern political history.

A clash is surely brewing between Trump and Republican colleagues in Congress, even if they can work together on some material reforms such as an overdue corporate tax overhaul.

Nevertheless, a less ideological and more pragmatic President could produce benefits for the United States if Trump can smash the legislative gridlock and partisan rancour that has bedevilled Washington for far too long.

For the rest of the world more consumed by US foreign policy, and less interested in American domestic issues, it may seem of less consequence.

For frustrated Americans angry with political insiders for cheap point-scoring, President Donald Trump offers refreshing ...
For frustrated Americans angry with political insiders for cheap point-scoring, President Donald Trump offers refreshing hope. AP

But for frustrated Americans angry with political insiders for unproductive bickering and cheap point-scoring, Trump offers refreshing hope.

The beltway political system is fundamentally broken and perhaps only a true barnstorming outsider who cares little for etiquette or ideology can shake it up.

Historically, there has only been one true independent President unaffiliated to a political party; George Washington who was the country's inaugural leader from 1789 to 1797.

Few would be folly enough to suggest that a populist Trump can emulate Washington.

But the outspoken billionaire will not hesitate in assailing and embarrassing lawmakers into action via his Twitter bully pulpit if they drag their feet.

"We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining, but never doing anything about it," Trump warned on Friday.

Republicans have shifted sharply to the dogmatic right and Democrats to the idealistic left since Bill Clinton's presidency in the 1990s.

The surgical gerrymandering of geographic districts in the House of Representatives has accentuated the partisanship.

Incumbents refuse to compromise with opponents across the aisle for fear of being bundled out in primary elections by their own party's voters.

The Congress went for five years without passing a budget during the Obama era, largely due to Republican stonewalling.

There was common ground on cutting the corporate tax rate, investing in infrastructure and dealing with long-term entitlement spending and debt, but politics prevented any deals.

Trump, a former registered Democrat, will push some conservative policies like cutting regulation and taxes.

But he will openly criticise Republicans and be prepared to cut deals with Democrats on policies like infrastructure investment.

Trump wants term limits on elected officials – a sensible policy to chop the dead wood in Washington.

Patently, congressman and senators are too beholden to financial donors, lobbyists and special interests.

It is akin to legalised corruption.

Indeed, it was pharmaceutical firms making greedy intellectual property demands who were largely responsible for pro-trade Republicans refusing to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership before Trump's anti-trade populism finally killed the deal.

Trump claims he will take on "big pharma" over outrageous drug prices for American consumers and tackle defence companies over cost-blowouts wasting billions of dollars of taxpayer money on government contracts.

Tick, tick, if he moves beyond bluster and succeeds.

There is no guarantee he will bust up the political cartel.

If Trump follows through on his hyperbolic rhetoric he will face serious resistance from political insiders and their vested-interest backers.

A glass-half-full view of Trump's anti-establishment crusade does not seek to excuse or ignore the many flaws in his chaotic leadership style and flirtation with populist policies like trade protection.

His characterisation of an America in "carnage" was gloomy, greatly exaggerated and showed an undignified lack of respect for his immediate predecessor Barack Obama.

Trump inherits a relatively healthy economy from Obama, with unemployment below 5 per cent, economic growth gradually improving and the stock market around a record high.

The brash billionaire will mislead, bully and show disdain for democratic institutions including the free media.

For that, he should be rigorously held to account.

Trump's isolationist "America first" rhetoric, if genuine, threatens the rules-based liberal internationalist world order. Outside the US, there is a risk that chaos is triggered by any US retreat.

Yet inside the beltway, Washington needs an upheaval.

Hillary Clinton may have made a more competent and predictable President, but an unproductive Congress would have ensued.

It was why millions of American voters rolled the dice on the unpredictable showman and many showed up in red "Make America Great Again" hats at his inauguration in Washington.

An impatient bullyboy, Trump is poised to either crash or crash through.

John Kehoe is US Correspondent for The Australian Financial Review in Washington