President Trump touts border tax, quits TPP

Donald Trump at the Oval Office.
Donald Trump at the Oval Office. Andrew Harrer

US President Donald Trump told chief executives that American businesses offshoring manufacturing and shipping products back into the United States would face a "substantial border tax", as he signalled a carrot and stick approach to encourage domestic production.

The warning came on the same day Mr Trump signed an executive order confirming the US will withdraw from the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership, a regional trade accord championed by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull as vital for US economic and security leadership in Asia.

"A great thing for the American worker, what we just we did," Mr Trump said at the Oval Office.

The US dollar, US Treasury bond yields and stocks on Wall Street edged lower in the US on Monday, reflecting concerns of trade protectionism creeping in.

Mr Trump later told applauding union leaders at the White House that the US would seek "one-on-one" bilateral trade agreements, not multilateral deals.

Foreign policy experts, including Republican Senator John McCain, warned the TPP withdrawal would expand China's influence in Asia.

Earlier at his first meeting with manufacturing leaders including Australian expat and Dow Chemical chief Andrew Liveris and technology entrepreneur Elon Musk, Mr Trump claimed "we think we can cut regulations by 75 per cent", "maybe more".

He outlined to the 12 manufacturing CEOs a vision to "massively cut" personal taxes and the corporate tax rate to 15 or 20 per cent.

Echoing his "America First" inauguration speech that has heightened global fears of trade protectionism and potential trade wars igniting, Mr Trump said on Monday that US firms that fire American workers to build factories overseas would pay a hefty price.

"If that happens, we are going to be imposing a very major border tax on the products when it comes in," Mr Trump said.

Mr Liveris, a manufacturing adviser to Mr Trump and past ardent supporter of former president Barack Obama's TPP, said the CEOs discussed the border tax "quite a bit" with the President and talked about "the sorts of industry that might be helped or hurt by that."

"Look: I would take the president at his word here. He's not going to do anything to harm competitiveness. He's going to actually make us all more competitive," Mr Liveris said.

Mr Trump is yet to provide specific policy details on how a border tax or tariffs would be imposed.

Nicholas Burns, a Harvard University professor of international relations and former senior US diplomat, said the President's trade moves raised doubts about the world's largest economy's commitment to open markets and risked igniting a trade war with countries that Mr Trump wants to reset economic relations with.

"I think a challenge for President Trump and his advisers will be with Mexico, Canada, European allies and especially with China and Japan, what will be their reaction," Dr Burns said.

A Bank of America survey of fund managers last week found that their biggest worry was an international trade war breaking out, with 29 per cent of respondents ranking it as the No.1 concern.

The 45th President, who has prioritised renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada to stop the offshoring of manufacturing jobs, said other economies were not practicing free trade which hurt American workers.

"We want to start making our products again," he said.

Mr Trump will host British Prime Minister Theresa May at the White House on Friday, where the pair will discuss the possibility of a bilateral trade deal post Britain's vote to exit the European Union.

The Turnbull government is also seeking a free trade deal with the UK. Australia, which runs a $25.6 billion trade deficit with the US, already has a bilateral trade and investment agreement with the US that came into force in 2005.

Trade Minister Steven Ciobo said in a speech in New York on Monday that Australia had "heard loud and clear President Trump's comments about the TPP", and was working with other TPP signatories to push ahead with the deal, with or without the US.

"We are committed to working with the US to tackle the problems of the global trade system," Mr Ciobo said. 

"And equally, we think it is possible for national interest to be pursued in a way that is consistent with, and advances, the common interest."

Mr Trump's abandonment of the TPP covering 40 per cent of the world economy is a sharp U-turn for the Republican Party which has traditionally backed trade deals.

Senator McCain said the withdrawal was a "serious mistake" and would increase China's economic influence in the Asia Pacific.

"It will send a troubling signal of American disengagement in the Asia-Pacific region at a time we can least afford it," he said in a statement.

Beijing is promoting rival Asia trade agreements and President Xi Jinping has taken to the world stage to press China's claims for international leadership on trade as Mr Trump pulls back.

The Asia Society's senior fellow US-China relations, Isaac Stone Fish, said Mr Trump's TPP withdrawal would give "Beijing a free hand to dictate trade in Asia." 

As investors tried to navigate Mr Trump's mix of deregulation and economic populism, manufacturing leaders cautiously welcomed the President's soundings.

Alliance for American Manufacturing president Scott Paul said Mr Trump was right that past presidents had negotiated bad trade deals for American manufacturers.

"It doesn't mean we're going to enter a trade war but were going to be much more aggressive and bargain much more heavily for manufacturing when that sector has been left behind in past negotiations [for] financial services and retail," he said on CNBC.

Mr Trump's populist railing against international trade deals during the election campaign helped him win blue collar support in industrial rust belt states such as Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. These states have seen millions of manufacturing jobs disappear due to machines replacing workers, the deep 2008 recession and global competition.

However, Mr Trump's push for more American made products is unlikely to return old-style manufacturing jobs.

Mr Paul said the manufacturing jobs that should return to the US would require well-paid skilled workers to use complex machines like high-end manufacturing in Germany.

"There will be fewer jobs and we're not going to see a 1950s manufacturing sector but we can successfully compete and gain our share of exports back," Mr Paul said.

Mr Trump also signed executive orders for a federal hiring freeze "except for the military" and officially gave notice of his well-flagged plan to renegotiate NAFTA, particularly with Mexico where US manufacturers have shifted plants to.

In concert, Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto announced he would redefine the relationship with the US and prioritise trade agreements with Europe and Latin America.

On regulation, Mr Trump did not provide details stipulating what red tape would be slashed, but said regulation would be "just as good and just as protective of the people" as it is now.

The manufacturing CEOs, including the leaders of US Steel, computer maker Dell Technologies, automaker Ford and defence firm Lockheed Martin, were given 30 days by the White House to submit proposals to revive American manufacturing.