Making sense of the Donald Trump inauguration madness

Volatile ride: Global markets are bracing for what a Trump presidency will bring.
Volatile ride: Global markets are bracing for what a Trump presidency will bring. David Rowe

Australia will wake up this weekend to the beginning of the most unpredictable and potentially volatile period in global politics in decades. Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th US president early on Saturday morning Australia time following a week when Britain laid out the blueprint for its exit from the European Union.

Both events underscore what was a tumultuous year for global politics, which markets have strangely embraced. Making sense out of a Trump presidency will be the biggest challenge for investors heading into uncharted waters in 2017.

Despite nervousness about Trump's unpredictability and the impact on Australia from his trade and China policies, many in business and government are quietly confident they can unearth opportunities from the shifting political climate.

"It was the busiest December I can recall in 10 years," one of the country's most respected investors told Chanticleer. "Everyone is looking at their portfolio strategy and their investments. I think 2017 is going to be difficult from a macro perspective. If you don't get it right you will be left behind, and if you get it right it will be a great year. There are a lot of opportunities."

One of the oddest manifestations of Trump's election victory is that billions of dollars can be made or lost on a single tweet. Unfiltered by traditional media advisers, Trump comments directly on companies such as Boeing, General Motors or the pharmaceutical industry, which means investors are spending more time watching social media feeds than a Bloomberg screen.

It is a reminder that while Trump is a successful entrepreneur, at heart he is a showman with a penchant for publicity. Despite all this unpredictability and lack of diplomacy, the markets have embraced Trump.

But there are signs the sustainability of the Trump rally is under a cloud, with many investors deciding to wait and see what Trump's first 100 days in office bring.

Billionaire investor George Soros made some rational comments this week when he highlighted Trump's unpredictability as the key reason why markets will lose their lustre in coming months.

"I personally am convinced that he is going to fail. Not because of people like me who would like him to fail, but because his ideas that guide him are inherently self-contradictory and the contradictions are actually already embodied by his advisers ... and his cabinet," Soros said on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The S&P;/ASX200 is trading at its highest levels since April 2015. This is below the records set in 2007 but 10 per cent higher than it was when investors were factoring in a Hillary Clinton win.

The Australian market has risen 10.4 per cent since the US election, leaving investors $163 billion richer compared to three months ago. The market hit a high of 5807.45 – its highest level since April 5, 2015. Australian stocks opened weaker on Friday, reflecting jitters in global markets ahead of the inauguration

Wall Street will be watching Trump's inauguration speech nervously. Any comments he makes on tax reform, trade, regulation and infrastructure will affect the Australian market come Monday morning.

The S&P500; index has risen 6 per cent to record highs since his November election win. Corporate America has embraced his promise to cut corporate tax, encourage American companies back home and slash red tape. This is expected to trigger an increase in spending and a splurge on infrastructure investment, although that scenario means higher interest rates as growth triggers inflation.

Whether you love him or loathe him, Trump has plenty of supporters in the business world. JPMorgan Chase chairman Jamie Dimon said this week he expects the US economy to grow 3 to 4 per cent if Trump gets tax and regulatory reform right.

However, there are signs the Trump honeymoon is drawing to a close. Investors are becoming increasingly sceptical about his public rants and whether rhetoric translates into reality. The big worry for Australia is the potential demise of free trade under Trump. Like Asia, Australia relies heavily on trade, which means his proposals to place tariffs on Chinese imports are worrying. Again, no one seems to know if that promise is rhetoric or not.

The federal government is sensibly pushing ahead with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) even through Trump says one of his first priorities will be to kill off the trade agreement. The reality is the government does not know what Trump is going to do, so it is best to soldier on and assume nothing will change.

Despite nervousness in Canberra about the impact of a Trump presidency on trade and Australia's relationship with China, many key influences in business and politics are quietly exploring potential opportunities for Australia that may eventuate from Trump's pro-business cabinet.

There are also efforts under way to promote a dialogue between Australia and the United States on energy policy. Australia has a lot to learn from the US, particularly in terms of energy usage and pricing.