Federal Politics

Malcolm Turnbull's year is not cactus ... yet

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull must seize his chance when addressing the National Press Club to unveil a bold plan.

The Wire's arch drug lord Avon Barksdale was philosophical in the face of a long jail sentence: "You only serve two days, the day you go in, and the day you get out". You'd think this mentality could work best for parties consigned to the opposition benches. But no. These days, its governments that feel most hemmed in, constrained at every turn by the crushing weight of febrile politics, internal divisions, anaemic growth, and inevitable disappointment.For Malcolm Turnbull, and indeed most governments recently, Barksdale's advice seems most apposite. Although in Turnbull's case, even the day he won was pretty terrible, marred as it was by something of a hissy-fit.

Morrison looks to London to solve housing affordability crisis

A housing bond aggregator, successful in Britain, was the leading recommendation of a report to state and federal ...

The Turnbull government is making further moves toward establishing a government backed-bond vehicle for affordable housing as Treasurer Scott Morrison heads to Britain to seek guidance on Australia's housing affordability crisis and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull prioritises the issue.

'This is a sad day. It is so sad': PM

Malcolm Turnbull lays flowers in Bourke Street.

Australia's national leaders have joined the sombre memorial for victims of the Bourke St rampage, with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull declaring all Australians stood in solidarity with mourners.

UN 'gravely concerned' about Manus bashing claims

The injuries of two Iranian refugees, allegedly bashed by local authorities on Manus Island.

The United Nations has expressed "grave concern" over the treatment of two asylum seekers who say they were savagely beaten by Papua New Guinea police and immigration officials on Manus Island before being arrested on New Year's Eve.