WA News

'I will pay his wage': Just give my son a chance' says desperate dad

A Perth father whose son has tried for six months to get an apprenticeship has advertised for one on Gumtree, promising to pay the wage himself just so his son can get qualified.

The father, who works in the financial services industry, told WAtoday he hoped to reach a "gentleman's agreement" with a tradesman after all else had failed.

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His 20-year-old son had wanted to be an electrician for years and completed the six-month electro technology pre-apprenticeship in June.

He has a driver's licence, a forklift license and no criminal record. 

He had sent his resume to at least 100 licensed electricians, had doorknocked in person and responded promptly to advertised roles. 

He had registered with apprenticeship coordinating businesses but had no luck despite strong references and sound work experience.


In the meantime, in addition to his 'White Card', he had also taken initiative to do the extra short courses: Work Safely at Heights; Enter and Work in Confined Spaces; Demonstrate First Attack Firefighting Equipment; Confine Small Workplace Emergencies.  

The whole time, he had kept working at the fast-food job he had held for the past two and a half years. 

"He's pretty despondent to be honest," his father said.

"The need for an established electrician to take him on as an apprentice means that he simply cannot obtain his desired qualification unless and until someone does this. Aside from qualifying himself as much as is reasonably possible, this is out of his control.  

"Tradies get subsidies but there is still out of pocket expense and there is a lull in electrical work.

"It's kind of like society saying sorry we aren't training electricians at the moment, come back in five years."

He said he placed the Gumtree ad with genuine intent. 

"I am sure it would not take him long to develop his skills and knowledge and quickly become an asset," he said. 

"He's got a good work ethic, he's got no issues with his current employer, and he's a diligent boy, he consistently presents for work in a proper manner. He's qualified and keen."

He said the move, though it might appear unusual, was to him no different to committing to support his 18-year-old daughter through the three-year accounting degree she was planning to enter.

"This was done out of desperation," he said. 

"All families support and encourage their kids in any way they can ... someone just please give him a chance."

But good news was around the corner for this family, as WAtoday found when they asked the National Electrical and Communications Association for comment.  

The construction industry figures are dire.

The construction industry figures are dire. Photo: Construction Training Fund November snapshot.

The boy's application to be a NECA apprentice had got to shortlist stage and he had just the final hands-on test to go. 

NECA only took on apprentices when there was enough work for them. This boy was now on a waitlist and it was hoped a job would open up by February. 

"We are the market leader and the market has pulled the number down by half even for us - he is now one of 100 when before it would have been 200," a NECA spokesman said. 

"Despite that this chap has pulled through, he has done very well to get through because we have a very high standard.

"What his father is done is great; it's wonderful for a parent to want to help in that way."

Despite this happy ending, would-be apprentices certainly have it tough in WA this year. 

The Housing Industry Association estimates new dwelling starts fell by 22.1 per cent in WA during 2015/16, a dramatic decline that WA executive director John Gelavis said had caused a significant drop in apprenticeships for all major trades. 

"A lot of kids are now in a similar position to this young person, because mining and housing came off the boil simultaneously," he said. 

The bigger trades have been hit the hardest.

The bigger trades have been hit the hardest. Photo: Construction Training Fund

"Electrical is quite transferable across to the mining and resource sectors, so the cooling in the mining sector has affected it even more.

"It's certainly been a challenge."

Mr Gelavis said the construction industry contributed, via levies, to a training fund that subsidised apprenticeships, but miners had gained an exemption to contributing to this fund from engineering construction projects.

HIA believed that this exemption was inequitable, as so many tradespeople trained with this assistance went on to work in mining, and wanted it replaced with a tiered levy based on project value, which could be capped.

It also wanted more investment in group training schemes that let HIA transfer apprentices to a new employer if the old one could no longer sustain them and better government incentives to employ apprentices, particularly adults. 

"With the market right now, there's no supply and demand issue, but in three or four years we will potentially have an issue; we are going to need more workers when the markets rebound," Mr Gelavis said. 

"And we need to give young people the opportunity of developing a trade."