One in two Aussies looking for work

One in two Aussies looking for work
A NEW job is on the New Year to-do list for about half of all workers – and it’s not because they’re depressed about the end of summer holidays.

White House living suits the Trumps

White House living suits the Trumps
THE Trumps have taken to first family life, describing the White House as ‘incredible’ as they document their new lives with insider pictures on social media.

Trump lines up foreign power talks

Trump lines up foreign power talks
DONALD Trump has scheduled his first meetings as President with British PM Theresa May and Mexico’s President, Enrique Peña Nieto, to discuss trade and immigration.

Who is Trump’s media man?

Who is Trump’s media man?
HE STOLE President Trump’s thunder by launching an unprecedented attack on the media. Meet press secretary Sean Spicer.

Who is Trump’s media man?

Who is Trump’s media man?
HE stole President Trump’s thunder after launching into an attack on the media. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has just become the man of the moment.

Ex-CIA boss’ fury at President Trump

Ex-CIA boss’ fury at President Trump
US President Donald Trump has been savaged for his “despicable display of self-aggrandisement” as he attempts to mend his relationship with the CIA.

Inside Trump’s business empire

Inside Trump’s business empire
PRESIDENT Donald Trump has tried almost everything. As the world questions whether he can run America, we look back at his businesses successes and failures.

The President and First Lady’s painful first dance

The President and First Lady’s painful first dance
ROUNDING off an historical day, the brand new President and First Lady of the United States took to the stage for their first dance—and it was incredibly awkward.

Trump’s made a colossal mistake

Trump’s made a colossal mistake
DONALD Trump just set a dangerous trap for himself. If he fails to avoid it, it could easily destroy his presidency.

The harsh truth about Barack Obama

The harsh truth about Barack Obama
OPINION: The world still swoons over outgoing US President Barack Obama, but we need to face the stark reality: his presidency has been a crushing let-down.

Trump’s first presidential tweets

Trump’s first presidential tweets
DONALD Trump began his presidency with a flurry of tweets - but his predecessor in the White House is attracting his own share of attention on social media today.

Why a trade is better than uni

Why a trade is better than uni
WHEN it comes to employability, cost and earning potential, a trade can often be a better choice than a uni degree for some graduates.

What Trump said in his speech

What Trump said in his speech
IT’S been called the “most radical” inauguration speech ever. Read Donald Trump’s controversial words for yourself.

Trump tweets his work is about to begin

Trump tweets his work is about to begin
HOURS before his inauguration today, US President-elect Donald Trump tweeted that his job of shaking up America’s political and economic status quo is about to begin.

Stakes are high in Trump’s experiment

Stakes are high in Trump’s experiment
ANALYSIS: The hopes of middle America weigh heavily on Donald Trump’s shoulders as the Washington outsider prepares to become the country’s 45th President.

Inside Trump’s powerful inner circle

Inside Trump’s powerful inner circle
A COTERIE of trusted family, corporate heavyweights and conservative outliers are among those with the ear of the most powerful man on the planet.

Senator’s outrageous Melbourne tweet

Senator’s outrageous Melbourne tweet
SENATOR David Leyonhjelm has been slammed for a tweet appearing to make a joke out of the Melbourne shopping centre attack.

Barack Obama’s presidency in pictures

Barack Obama’s presidency in pictures
THANKS to technology and social media, outgoing US President Barack Obama has likely been photographed more than any leader before him. These are the top shots from his presidency.

The man who killed Sydney

The man who killed Sydney
DESPITE his achievements, outgoing NSW Premier Mike Baird is likely to be remembered for nanny state laws that killed Sydney’s night life.

Trump’s boast: ‘We have the highest IQ’

Trump’s boast: ‘We have the highest IQ’
THERE are many words one can use to describe Donald Trump. Judging by his boast during an address just now, “modest” is not one of them.

Key questions Trump hasn’t answered

Key questions Trump hasn’t answered
DONALD Trump will become the leader of the free world tomorrow, but questions still remain about what he actually wants to do once in office.

‘He might have to sing himself’

‘He might have to sing himself’
HOLLYWOOD heavyweights are boycotting Donald Trump’s inauguration. But some performers are sticking with him.

Obama’s last letter to America

Obama’s last letter to America
THE outgoing President has written a heartfelt note to citizens of the United States on his final day in office, singling out those who lost loved ones in a particularly horrific mass shooting.

Unis with worst dropout rates

Unis with worst dropout rates
AUSTRALIA is becoming a nation of dropouts with a third of students failing to graduate, and some unis are worse than others.

Barack Obama’s complicated legacy

Barack Obama’s complicated legacy
AS US President Barack Obama prepares to pass the baton to Donald Trump, here are 10 things he’ll be remembered for.

Gen Y workers blow their cash on coffee

Gen Y workers blow their cash on coffee
YOUNG workers are spending a “small fortune” at coffee shops rather than saving extra cash, a bank executive says.

How it went wrong for Mike Baird

How it went wrong for Mike Baird
NOT long ago Mike Baird was the nation’s most popular politician, but a series of unpopular decisions led to a shock early retirement.

PM’s cringeworthy act slammed

PM’s cringeworthy act slammed
THE honeymoon is over. Canada’s young PM has been slammed as “disgraceful” and “condescending” for this response at a town-hall meeting.

Australian MPs’ jaw-dropping exits

Australian MPs’ jaw-dropping exits
MIKE Baird’s resignation has left many Australians in shock. He now joins a list of politicians whose spectacular resignations are unforgettable.

$500 million rort is the real scandal

$500 million rort is the real scandal
TRAVEL rorts are the least of Australia’s worries. We delved into how politicians really spend our tax dollars, and one item really stands out.