Douglas Emlen

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Douglas Emlen
Alma mater Cornell University (B.A.), Princeton University (Ph.D.)
Notable awards Presidential Early Career Award
University of Montana Webpage

Douglas Emlen is an evolutionary biologist and Professor of Biology at the University of Montana. He has received the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering from the Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White House, multiple research awards from the National Science Foundation, and the E. O. Wilson Naturalist Award from the American Society of Naturalists. His research provides insights into the development and evolution of exaggerated male weaponry, such as the horns found in scarab beetles. He combines approaches from behavioral ecology, genetics, phylogenetics, and developmental biology to understand how evolution has shaped these bizarre structures. His current projects include an examination of how altered expression of appendage patterning genes contributes to species differences in the shape of horns, and how the insulin receptor (InR) pathway modulates the size of male weapons in response to the larval nutritional environment.


Emlen received a B.A. from Cornell University in 1989, and a Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1994.


  • Phi Betta Kappa Book Award for Science (2015, for Animal Weapons)
  • Elected to the Council, International Society for Behavioral Ecology (2015-2017).
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, The University of Montana (2014).
  • E. O. Wilson Naturalist Award, The American Society of Naturalists (2013).
  • G. M. Sutton Lecture, Sam Noble Museum of Natural History & University of Oklahoma (2013)
  • University of Montana Faculty Merit Award (2012).
  • Golden Key Honor Society (2012).
  • Invited Participant, National Academy of Sciences Kavli Frontiers of Science, German-American Frontiers of Science Conference, Potsdam, Germany, June 2010.
  • University of Montana Faculty Merit Award (2010).
  • Invited Speaker, P. T. Barnum Lecture, Tufts University, Oct. 2009.
  • Invited Panelist, Gordon Research Conference: “Genes & Behavior”, Lucca, Barga, Italy, Feb. 2008.
  • Elected to the Council, Society for the Study of Evolution (2007-2009).
  • Invited Speaker, National Academy of Sciences Sackler Colloquium: “In the light of evolution: Adaptation and complex design” Beckman Center of the National Academies, Irvine CA, November 30 – December 2, 2006.
  • Invited Speaker, Atwood Lecture, University of Toronto. Sept. 2006.
  • Invited Speaker, George Williams Lecture, Stony Brook University, Sept. 2006.
  • Invited Speaker, Gordon Research Conference: “Genes & Behavior”, Irvine CA, Feb. 2006.
  • University of Montana Faculty Merit Award (2006).
  • Presidential Early Career Award, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President, Washington, D.C. 2002.
  • Invited Participant, National Academy of Sciences/Beckman Frontiers of Science Symposium, Irvine, California, November 14-16, 2002.
  • University of Montana Faculty Merit Award (2001).
  • University of Montana Faculty Merit Award (1999).
  • American Naturalists Young Investigator Prize (1997).


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