Five car trends on the road to the future

The Renault Trezor concept car claims to sprint to 100km/h in four seconds.
The Renault Trezor concept car claims to sprint to 100km/h in four seconds.

The great leap forward in the automotive world continues apace, with traditional car makers hooking up with tech companies, tech companies reimagining themselves as car makers, and a seemingly inexorable progression towards autonomous vehicles. And, despite the underwhelming appearance of Google's self-driving car – which looks like a rice bubble with wheels – the rapid technical progress it represents could well run parallel with a new age of extravagant and adventurous styling. Here are five trends to watch.

New players

Tesla set the stage. In its wake a new batch of players is likely to present the first major challenge in decades to the established luxury car brands.

Cashed-up tech companies are angling to capitalise on self-driving cars, which economists have identified as a trillion-dollar opportunity. That’s right: Morgan Stanley and others have estimated global efficiency savings in the trillions. We’ve all heard of likely entries from Apple and Google, supplying either entire cars or high-value electronic systems, such as self-drive technology. But we will also see forays from other quarters.

Inside LeEco's LeSee.
Inside LeEco's LeSee.

China’s LeEco, for example, recently demonstrated the LeSee. LeEco is a huge technology concern, offering internet television, online shopping, tech finance, cloud computing and connected car software. The apparent objective is to pull most of these things together in an ecosystem (hence “LeEco”) that will allow people to use the company’s various services, including curated music and video content, while being autonomously driven. The LeSee is tailored for the sharing economy. It lights up in various ways to demonstrate when it’s being driven autonomously, is avoiding a hazard or is available for car sharing.

The LeSee might be more attention-getter than production possibility, and LeEco’s ambitions are reportedly straining its cash flow. Nonetheless, it’s the main backer of Faraday Future, a slightly secretive start-up based in Los Angeles with massive ambitions to take on Tesla. LeEco is also collaborating with Aston Martin on an electric version of the Rapide sedan, and owns a stake in the Beijing Electric Vehicle Corporation.

Many believe the barriers to entry are lowering as cars become more about new technology (batteries, self-driving, interconnectivity) and the value shifts from hardware to software. Other Morgan Stanley research suggests software will soon account for 60 per cent of a car’s total value.

The head of Mercedes-Benz Cars, Dieter Zetsche, is brutally frank about the challenges his own company could face with new competitors. “Historically when these kind of [changes] develop in certain markets, in most of the cases the prior players were not the dominant players any more,” he says, pointing to Nokia and Ericsson as examples. “Apple turned up and it was all but game over.” He’s confident Mercedes-Benz can triumph of course, but Zetsche is adamant it needs to be run more like a start-up, attracting fresh blood and removing layers of bureaucratic red tape.

No matter what LeEco and others think, crashing the party won’t be easy. For all its glamour, Tesla loses money, while older companies have huge banks of loyal customers and vast experience in manufacturing, testing and marketing.

The Renault Trezor concept car.
The Renault Trezor concept car.

Outlandish design

Many believe that, as cars become more generic in their engineering and features, and drive themselves, design will become more important than ever. Mike Simcoe, the Australian who heads global design at General Motors, recently told The Australian Financial Review Magazine that driverless cars are just another opportunity.

“We’ll still be designing experiences for people,” says Simcoe. “There is still plenty of work to do to drive emotional appeal in the exterior of vehicles, whether you are designing a ubiquitous taxi or a car share vehicle … all the way through to a prestige or luxury experience in an autonomous vehicle. The way to convey that is the sculpture and, more and more, the interior and the experience [that’s] possible if you don’t have to be driving in a traditional sense all the time.”

Stand by for a new age of extravagant styling, luxurious equipment and individualisation that could extend to one-off body styles. New techniques, including 3D printing, are increasingly being used, at this stage mainly for interior switches and levers. However designers at Ferrari, Aston Martin and other companies have suggested these technologies could lead to far more customisation, including unique or extremely low-run body styles. Spare body parts for your one-off vehicle might not be a problem either, as a digital file will allow the printing of new ones.

Inside the Renault Trezor.
Inside the Renault Trezor.

Signs of a new extravagance in styling are appearing in show cars, notably the recent Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6 and the Renault Trezor. Both are notionally capable of autonomy, but in each case the maker has stressed its car is designed to be steered manually whenever possible and/or desirable. The two-seater Renault – unveiled at last October’s Paris Motor Show – is described as an “electric GT … geared towards driving pleasure”. The claim is that it will sprint to 100km/h in four seconds.

On the Renault Trezor a spectacular lift-away roof, with wraparound red glass, allows access to a cockpit that mixes traditional leather and wood highlights, a slide-away steering wheel and a large screen for watching movies or surfing the internet when you choose to be driven along.

Exactly what future cars will look like is impossible to predict without knowing what technology will be available. Graphene, which is 200 times stronger than steel and lighter than carbon-fibre, could change the game completely once it becomes commercially viable.

Sharing the load

The Infiniti Q80 concept car, a Nissan-Renault collaboration that may also involve Mercedes-Benz.
The Infiniti Q80 concept car, a Nissan-Renault collaboration that may also involve Mercedes-Benz.

Cars are becoming more alike under the surface, much like computers. Rival car makers are collaborating, creating new frenemies. The Nissan-Renault-Infiniti group, by way of example, has 12 joint projects with Mercedes-Benz. Already the A-Class Benz and Infiniti Q30 share most things you can’t see, despite competing in the same part of the market. The spectacular Infiniti Q80 concept car may hide a lot of borrowed componentry when it comes to market.

Meanwhile, BMW and Toyota are developing a sports coupe together, and dozens of other joint venture deals are being negotiated or inked, including European and American companies forming partnerships with emerging Chinese manufacturers. Why? Because the cost of developing car platforms, electronics and safety systems to the standards demanded by consumers and regulators has grown enormously. This has happened at the same time that billions are needed to develop cleaner-running engines and to keep up with the rush towards autonomy.

In addition, increasingly diversified buyer tastes have made it necessary to offer an unprecedented array of body styles and drivetrain options. Audi says it will sell 60 different models within three years. Its German competitors are also pumping out endless variations to meet every micro-niche, so new economies of scale have to be found.

The other unprecedented collaboration is between car companies and tech companies. Car makers are reluctant to launch themselves into the digital future alone; tech companies are equally nervous about their inexperience in the competitive automotive market.

Volkswagen's I.D. concept car.
Volkswagen's I.D. concept car.

Hence General Motors has done a deal with IBM to create an integrated “cognitive mobility platform” that will enable drivers to access services and information. It will show where parking is available and allow it to be booked while on the move, while machine learning will map an owner’s habits. According to the joint GM-IBM release, the car might “remind a working father to pick up diapers and formula at the pharmacy a few miles before his exit, so he won’t have to leave the house again once he gets home”.

GM has invested $US500 million in Uber-competitor Lyft and spent $US1 billion buying autonomous technology start-up Cruise. Toyota has invested in Uber, while VW Group has purchased European taxi service Gett and bought the mapping company Here in partnership with Benz and BMW. That was a $US3.1 billion dollar deal to protect themselves from a Google monopoly on the digital maps that will help guide autonomous traffic. BMW has a joint venture with Intel and Mobileye to work on self-driving cars, while Apple and Uber have both invested in Chinese “ride hailing” company Didi Chuxing. The list goes on.

Leaner still

Despite all the excitement about electrification and hybridisation, piston engines will likely be with us for a while. Several reports have predicted they will still dominate the market beyond 2030.

This will only be possible with huge efficiency gains. A 2016 PwC Strategy report noted existing regulations requiring fleet averages of upwards of 60 miles per US gallon there by 2025. That’s under 4L/100km across a brand’s entire range of vehicles, despite there now being only a tiny number of piston-engined cars able to achieve such a figure.

It will require step-changes – not incremental ones – which is why development of so-called “old tech” engines continues, perhaps faster than ever. The PwC report says “experts believe that petroleum-based vehicle fuel economy can be improved by as much as 75 per cent with combustion breakthroughs focused on maximising engine efficiency and minimising the formation of emissions within engine cylinders; exhaust after-treatment technologies that further reduce emissions; and the recovery of energy from waste heat”.

The French auto manufacturer, Groupe PSA, of which Citroen is part, has vowed to be the leader in fuel efficiency and to publish real-world fuel and emission figures alongside the official ones. The latter are measured in a laboratory, and can easily be gamed.

The CXperience from Citroen combines a highly efficient petrol engine with a plug-in electrical system that allows it to be driven emission free around cities for up to 60 kilometres. Even when on the highway, running purely on its petrol engine, the economy is likely to be excellent owing to all the latest techniques, such as low rolling resistance tyres, slippery bodywork and interaction between the satellite navigation and drivetrain to maximise efficiency. Already Citroen’s unfortunately named Cactus is Australia’s most efficient piston-engined car. Its 1.6-litre diesel engine returns 3.6L/100km.

Subscribers only

“In future, many people won’t own a car. But they can all be a Volkswagen customer in one way or another – because we will serve a much broader concept of mobility than is the case today.”

These were the words of Volkswagen chief executive Matthias Müller at the Paris Motor Show last October. He was referring to what has already occurred with recorded music, films and holiday homes: consumers are happy to swap ownership for convenience. Some believe it will become the norm with cars, hence the outrageously optimistic market valuation of Uber.

Locally, car sharing outfit GoGet has more than 2000 cars and 90,000 members. An October AECOM Technology Corporation report, Transport on Demand: Accelerating Australian Cities, claims that “each car share vehicle removes up to 10 private cars from the road”. That’s potentially good news for cities but bad news for car makers, long geared towards shifting more and more product each year.

However, some car makers are responding by working on vehicles that are designed to be shared. They are also setting up systems that will link their cars into networks that combine private vehicles, shared vehicles and public transport to improve mobility, partly though deals with governments and Silicon Valley. The alternative – to be cut out of such systems – could be devastating.

Müller’s comments came when launching a concept car called I.D., the first VW designed from the ground up for electric power. The company accelerated its plans in this area after the disgrace of “dieselgate”, in which the company admitted equipping millions of diesel-powered cars with software to cheat emissions tests. Müller insists the I.D. will be on the road by 2020, followed by 30 further electric models by 2025. He added that by 2025 the I.D. would be capable of driving fully autonomously and VW would be selling a million electric cars per annum.

The I.D. has a range of up to 600 kilometres, more than many petrol cars. More pertinently here, it might be made available as needed, rather than sold outright. “We could also operate our own self-driving shuttle fleets once urban autonomous driving technology is ready,” Müller added.

The AFR Magazine Innovation issue is out on Friday, January 27, inside The Australian Financial Review.

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