Twitter Apologises For Making People Follow Donald Trump Against Their Will

People are a bit on edge at the moment when it comes to being forced to do things by now-President Donald Trump. When some users noticed that they were suddenly following the official Twitter account of the POTUS against their will yesterday, they freaked out. Now, Twitter has apologised.

Photo: Getty

Today, Twitter's CEO Jack Dorsey addressed the issues that occurred after when the social media platform was migrating the followers from the old @POTUS to the new one.

You can see the whole thread here. But you can read the statement in paragraph form below:

Dorsey's explanation makes a certain amount of sense and it's easy to imagine a screw-up when migrating so many followers at a specific time when all the world's eyes are watching. Still, 560,000 people is a big number.

This also doesn't explain all of the people who were claiming that they have never followed @POTUS in any way and found their stream looking distinctly more threatening. It's possible that they simply don't remember following the account.

For now, it seems that users should simply check both accounts to see if they are following them and correct any unwanted mistakes.



    Twitter has nothing to apologise for, because they followed @POTUS, who now happens to be Donald Trump.

    If they wanted to follow Barack Obama then that's who they should have followed, not @POTUS

    Last edited 22/01/17 11:14 am

    I don't see why everyone is freaking out, if they were following Obama's personal twitter, and they pushed everyone over to Trump's personal one, I could understand the anger.

    I followed Obama because he posts some profound and inspiring tweets. I didn't follow POTUS because any idiot could of followed him.

      Obama is @POTUS44 if you want to keep following him!

        @POTUS44 is an archive of the tweets Obama made on the @POTUS account.
        He is now back tweeting on @BarackObama.

    Lifehacker two step plan!

    Step 1 - unfollow @POTUS
    Step 2 - follow @POTUS44 and / or @ barackobama

    Last edited 23/01/17 8:24 am

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