Daily Life


Street seen: Love of the reinvigorated


I AM IN Carlisle Street, St Kilda East.

I AM a teacher.

I AM WEARING all vintage. All the stuff I usually wear is from op shops, secondhand stuff that's been reinvigorated, that's what I love. My hat and shoes are from Sacred Heart Mission on Grey Street, which is my favourite place to shop. I think I got the dress from a great op shop in Middle Park that I think doesn't exist any more. It was called The Doll's House or something like that. My bag is from India, and my sunnies are new from Gorman. I got them from my niece.

MY STYLE IS individual, colourful. I just love wearing what I feel like, and I feel very free.

I ADMIRE THE STYLE OF I love those women in New York that were in the movie Advanced Style. They're all women over 80 that just do whatever they want and dress however they want, mainly vintage stuff, but they're just completely free. They're not being restricted by a certain age, like "you can't wear this dress" or whatever. And there's a vintage shop on Acland Street I really love, Frocks and Slacks, and the owner, Tracey, is amazing. She's an icon.


MY FAVOURITE PLACES TO SHOP Op shops. I love Sacred Heart in St Kilda, that's my favourite. I love the one in South Melbourne on Clarendon Street. I love Frocks and Slacks. Garage sales as well. I've probably gotten my best stuff at garage sales, and people give me stuff and will often just say, "why don't you have this?"

MY BIGGEST FASHION MISTAKE WAS henna. I was red for too long, and I should have just gone grey. I love grey.

WHEN I WAS A KID I WORE My mum used to make all my clothes so I had little shirts and tops with pom-poms. My mother made our dressing gowns, everything was handmade, it was beautiful. We didn't have much but what we had was really beautiful. My favourite dress was a beautiful white dress with beautiful big cherries that I got from my uncle when I was very young.

I WOULD NEVER BE CAUGHT DEAD IN black or donkey brown. I can't wear those colours, I can't even contemplate it.