Federal Politics

Fergus Hunter

Fergus Hunter is a breaking news reporter for Fairfax Media in the federal press gallery at Parliament House

The image of Dylan Voller in a spit-hood at the Don Dale Youth Detention Centre helped trigger the royal commission.

Ex-case manager describes system that 'set Voller up to fail'

Dylan Voller's former case manager has described a Northern Territory justice system that failed the offender from a young age, neglecting diversionary programs, adopting a punitive and not rehabilitative approach, turning him violent, and failing to help him re-enter society.

Mr Shorten shares the lowest individual score of any leader over the past 30 years on any characteristic with Tony ...

Tony Abbott reflects on his reading habits

Tony Abbott has more time on his hands these days and he is using it to rediscover a passion for reading and, in particular, for thrillers. He will not, however, be wasting any more time on E.L. James' erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey, which he "didn't think was a great book at all".