
Pinnacle overbids Soul Patts to win Hunter Hall

The manoeuvrings to take control of Hunter Hall International stepped up a notch late Monday with a second takeover bid being lodged which further complicates the likely outcome.

In a statement to the ASX late on Monday, Pinnacle Investment Management said it will offer $1.50 a share for Hunter Hall International, the fund management company.

It has also flagged it will raise that offer to $2 a share if it wins control of the company.

Soul Pattinson has offered $1 a share to shareholders after it recently bought a 19.9 per cent stake from the founder, Mr Peter Hall. Mr Hall had undertaken to accept the Soul Pattinson's offer for his remaining 24 per cent stake in the company in the absence of a higher offer.

If Mr Hall accepted the Pinnacle offer, this would give it a larger stake than Soul Pattinson, although whether shareholders would accept the latest offer is unclear since the indicated bid price is still well below the market.

After a profit warning last Friday, Hunter Hall shares closed Monday down 4c at $2.36, which is still a significant premium to the indicated offer from Pinnacle.


The intended offer emerged as directors of Hunter Hall Global Value, the group's sharemarket listed investment company were meeting to consider a demand from its largest shareholder, fund manager Geoff Wilson.

Mr Wilson has called for an offer be placed on the table to enable all shareholders to sell out at a price equivalent to the company's asset backing.

The outcome here will potentially have a material impact on the worth of Hunter Hall, since the management rights to the global value fund comprise a large part of its worth.

Pinnacle said it wants to undertake due diligence of Hunter Hall before proceeding with its intended offer.