18 of the best Australian skincare products for men

A true Aussie summer comes with some strict traditions: kicking back with a (local) brew, weekend barbecues with mates, swatting away armies of mozzies and of course endless days spent at the local beach or pool.

What could be more Australian than that?

Possibly forgetting to slap on some sunscreen as you soak up your entire stock of Vitamin D for the week and subsequently shed skin like a red-belly black snake for the next fortnight. That's true blue. But spare a thought as to what kind of long-term damage you're doing in the process.

A slow movement

Once upon a time, men didn't put much stock into skincare beyond washing their face and slapping on some post-shave balm picked up from the supermarket. Maybe a smear of zinc if you were into sport. But if the boom in brands targeting male grooming is anything to go by, we're becoming a vain bunch.

Which, if you ask me, is a good thing.

The benefits of a little vanity

Think of it this way: you wouldn't go to a job interview with an unironed shirt. So why would you let premature aging turn your face into a map of unnecessary wrinkles?

Picking out some key products to keep your skin looking healthy isn't a challenge to your manhood. It's simply an extension of maintaining good presentation.

Moisturising, exfoliating and even treating yourself to the odd facial can do wonders for turning back the clock on premature ageing.

Do yourself a favour

But beyond the desire to maintain a mid-30s visage as long as possible, there's also the more serious nature of the big "C" to consider.

Having lost a brother to melanoma last year, the reality of not wearing sunscreen has become a lot more personal and visceral: there are consequences to not taking care of your skin beyond the advanced aging aspects.

Australian made

Of course, not all moisturisers are the same. Just as not all skin types are the same.

Finding the right one for you should be a mixture of knowing what your requirements are – dry skin? Tired looking skin? Or plain old average wear and tear? – and treating that.

Combining a mixture of lab-proven results and natural ingredients, some of the best skincare products are owned and made right here in Australia. Western Australia-based brand Sodashi has become a cult favourite among day spas for its use of natural ingredients.

Sydney-based range LQD has become one of the leading skincare ranges for men, catering to specific male grooming needs from shaving to daily treatments.

Check out the gallery above for the best Aussie skincare brands to beat the burn this summer.