Federal Politics

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull must seize his chance when addressing the National Press Club to unveil a bold plan.

Malcolm Turnbull's year is not cactus . . . yet

The Wire's arch drug lord Avon Barksdale was philosophical in the face of a long jail sentence: "You only serve two days, the day you go in, and the day you get out". You'd think this mentality could work best for parties consigned to the opposition benches. But no. These days, its governments that feel most hemmed in, constrained at every turn by the crushing weight of febrile politics, internal divisions, anaemic growth, and inevitable disappointment.For Malcolm Turnbull, and indeed most governments recently, Barksdale's advice seems most apposite. Although in Turnbull's case, even the day he won was pretty terrible, marred as it was by something of a hissy-fit.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announcing the resignation of Sussan Ley from his frontbench in Sydney.

Malcolm's perfect storm

Malcolm Turnbull is caught in a perfect storm, his government being assailed for making life harder for the less well off while certain of his ministers are seen to behave like the rich and famous.

Defence Minister Marise Payne holds a press conference in Sydney after Indonesia ceased all military operations with ...

Payne moves to restore trust, not a moment too soon

"The worst we can do is to take this partnership for granted," Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono declared more than six years ago, when he became the first Indonesian president to address Australia's parliament in 2010.

This cartoon by David Pope published on the front page of the Turkish national daily paper Cumhuriyet comments on the ...

David Pope and the cartoons that defined 2016

From the death of David Bowie to the rise of Donald Trump to whatever you call what Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull spent the year doing, here's how Fairfax Media cartoonist David Pope captured some of the key events and issues of 2016.