
IEA chief Fatih Birol eyes Donald Trump risk, says renewables critical in climate fight

Donald Trump becoming President of the United States is unlikely to derail the "huge" technological advances in renewable energy that have sent prices of solar and wind power tumbling, the head of the International Energy Agency said.

"The dynamics of the energy system are very clear – policies are important, but the economic facts are stubborn," Fatih Birol, the IEA's director-general, told Fairfax Media. "The cheaper wind, cheaper solar, gains of energy efficiency have already gained a strong momentum."

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Dr Birol's comments, made on the sidelines of the annual summit of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Abu Dhabi, were echoed by other attendees, including Amos Hochstein, the chief US delegate to the event.

"This surge in investment in clean energy is about smart business," Mr Hochstein told the conference over the weekend. "It is not partisan, it is not political, and it is driven by the private sector."

The US invested $US62 billion ($83 billion) in renewables in 2015 and a Congressional extension of tax credits passed late that year is projected to alone steer another $US73 billion investment – adding 37 gigawatts of new solar and wind capacity – over the next five years, Mr Hochstein said.

Still, IRENA attendees said the election of Mr Trump, a climate change sceptic, had triggered gloom among many attending the Marrakech climate summit in November. This week's inauguration was having a similar effect on the mood at the gathering in Abu Dhabi for an agency with 150 member nations and 27 planning to join.


Among the concerns was that the US government's extensive research efforts into renewable energy and decarbonising the economy by the second half of the century – a commitment that Australia has also committed to as a signatory to the Paris climate agreement – would be hit by the incoming Trump administration. Climate science might be another target.

"US policies are not only important for the US, but are important for the whole world," Dr Birol said, later telling the IRENA delegates: "Renewables are critical in our fight against climate change."

However, a senior US banker at the event cautioned against excessive pessimism about the Trump presidency.

"The President of the US has never had power over the energy mix of the US," Michael Eckhart, head of environmental finance at Citigroup, told Fairfax. "This has been the misunderstanding of the global public for decades."

Powers, instead, were largely limited to overseeing prices for energy pipelines and power transmission across state lines, with other levels of government – such as Congress and the states – playing key roles, he said.

Investment drop

Also casting a cloud over the event was data from Bloomberg New Energy Finance showing new global investment in renewable energy sagged last year, retreating 18 per cent from a record peak in 2015, to $US287.5 billion ($383 billion). (See Bloomberg chart below of new investment, in US dollars.)

Part of the spending drop, though, was the result of falling prices for the various technologies, with solar photovoltaics down 90 per cent and wind 50 per cent since 2009, according to the US government. New solar capacity, for instance, soared to 70 gigawatts from 56GW in 2015, eclipsing wind for the first time.

Australia's total clean energy investment, though, jumped almost half to $US3.44 billion last year, ranking the country ninth, Bloomberg said. Gains marked a partial rebound from a near-freeze in large-scale investment during 2014-15 years when uncertainty about the 2020 Renewable Energy Target under Tony Abbott's government hit investor confidence.

Other challenges

While renewables would continue to become cheaper, nations would have to invest more to ensure electricity grids can accommodate a larger share of the intermittent energy source, Dr Birol said.

Another key challenge will be extending clean energy into transportation and heat used in industry and homes, where it is largely absent, he said.

On the plus side for carbon emissions, China – which accounts for half the world's coal consumption – appears to have peaked use of the dirty fuel in 2013. It is unlikely to see "a substantial increasing trend" in the future, Dr Birol said. "The golden era for coal is over."

Meanwhile, 2015 marked the third year in a row that renewables investment exceeded spending on new coal, oil, gas and nuclear power combined, officials at the IRENA event said.

Also positive was the prospect that renewable energy was becoming the cheapest way to electrify remote regions – such as sub-Sahara, now with little or no power. As much as 80 per cent of those without electricity may get access from off-grid renewable energy involving solar or wind with storage, speakers said.

On the negative side for the climate, though, regions such as south-east Asia and India plan to increase coal use, with as much as a third of new investment in high-emitting, low-efficiency power plants. The move was "very worrying ... [and] by building them, 50 years will be locked in with those plants," Dr Birol said.

The IEA does not, however, call for the complete end of loan guarantees by nations exporting coal-fired generators. Such support, though, should be limited to so-called super-critical lower-emissions plants, he said.

Wrong direction

The issue of decarbonising the energy sector was not just about climate change, but also the immediate health effects, with 6.5 million people dying prematurely each year from pollution belched by the energy sector, he said.

Signs that the world is yet to tackle global warming seriously included the fact that coal prices had nearly doubled since the Paris pact was signed in late 2015. Europe's carbon price also almost halved over the time, when a rise might have been expected, he said.

"I cannot say we are going in the right direction if that direction is two degrees," Dr Birol said, referring to the upper warming limit compared with pre-industrial times pledged by almost 200 nations in Paris.

Last year is expected to be declared the hottest year on record – for the third year in a row – with temperatures rising about 1 degree in the past 100 years. Human activities are the main driver, climate scientists say.

Follow Peter Hannam on Twitter and Facebook.

The author was a guest at IRENA's seventh annual assembly and the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi.