Federal Politics

Medicare levy increase on the table as Turnbull budget speculation begins

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Doctors believe the Turnbull government could be contemplating another increase in the Medicare levy.

The Australian Medical Association has used its pre-budget submission to plead with the government to return any extra revenue raised by the tax to health rather than using it to fix the deepening deficit.

"It is equally important to understand that any increase in the Medicare Levy does not absolve governments from the critical need to continue to reinvest in Australia's health, including lifting the MBS freeze," the peak group says in its submission to the government ahead of the May 9 budget.

"It must not change the need for states and territories to continue investing in public hospitals, nor should it impact on the value case and viability for private health insurance," the AMA says.

A 0.5 per cent increase to the levy could deliver the government more than $4 billion in extra revenue a year.

Taxpayers currently contribute 2 per cent of their taxable incomes to the levy, which raises about $15 billion a year.


However a quarter of that revenue is earmarked for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, leaving about $11 billion to $12 billion a year to cover Medicare – which currently costs about $22 billion a year.

The proportion of Medicare spending covered by the levy has fallen from about 67 per cent to just over 50 per cent in the last decade. The rest of the money is drawn from general revenue.

The AMA says while an increase would inject some much needed funds into the health system "it is by no means a solution to our total health funding needs, which still need to be addressed".

Health and tax experts see a levy rise as a fairer option than raising the GST – which the Turnbull government seriously considered before ruling it out last year – because low-income earners and seniors do not pay it.

It would also be a simple change to implement, and a relatively easy political sell – as long as the money went back into health.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk have advocated a rise in the levy, with Mr Andrews arguing for a lift to 3 per cent in a bid to raise about $7.5 billion a year. Powerful Senate crossbencher Nick Xenophon also supports raising the levy "a smidge".

In 2015, Treasurer Scott Morrison was cool on the idea of raising the levy, saying it would put a bigger burden on working Australians and make the tax system less competitive. However now the government is tight-lipped about its plans.

"All budget issues will be addressed in the federal Budget in May," said a spokeswoman for Mr Morrison.

A spokesman for incoming Health Minister Greg Hunt said he had a "rock-solid commitment to Medicare".

"But as Minister Hunt also mentioned, he won't be commenting on specific policy matters until he is sworn in, fully briefed and has consulted with key leaders in the sector," the spokesman said.

"That said, the minister isn't aware of any plans or proposals to increase the Medicare levy."

The AMA in its submission says the government's top priority should be to lift the freeze on Medicare patient rebates.

It calls on the government to make a greater investment in primary care and prevention, and deliver on its commitments to properly fund hospitals and improve the health of Indigenous Australians.

AMA president Dr Michael Gannon said Mr Hunt had the perfect opportunity to change direction on health policy and consign to history any links to the Abbott government's disastrous 2014-15 budget.

"The AMA agrees with and supports budget responsibility. But we also believe that savings must be made in areas that do not directly negatively affect the health and wellbeing of Australian families," he said.

"Health must be seen as an investment, not a cost or a budget saving."