Joy ReidOnaylanmış hesap


host, Fracture author, professional pragmatist. Sunny pessimist. Love .

Haziran 2009 tarihinde katıldı

@JoyAnnReid engellendi

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  1. Sabitlenmiş Tweet
    20 Oca

    This is the most important thing you'll hear all day. Watch it as many times as you need. Thank you

  2. 36 dakika önce

    This is Bannon's eerie philosophy, Francofied: Marine Le Pen claims the ‘Anglo Saxon world is waking up’

  3. 37 dakika önce
  4. 40 dakika önce

    In all seriousness: this is a devastating and thinly veiled critique of Trump and those like him in Europe, that matters, given its source.

  5. 41 dakika önce
  6. 47 dakika önce
  7. 1 saat önce

    Tweet to save for later, as it will likely be needed frequently.

  8. 1 saat önce

    The pool reporters, who were in the room, are the source of the info.

  9. 1 saat önce
  10. 1 saat önce
  11. 2 saat önce

    Those empty stands on Friday were striking to watch on the feeds, especially given how packed the route was on Saturday for the

  12. 21 Oca

    “In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”

  13. 2 saat önce
  14. 2 saat önce
  15. 2 saat önce

    WSJ: to clarify a point WSJ doesn't go into. The purpose of a counterintelligence inquiry is to find moles & spies.

  16. 5 saat önce
  17. 2 saat önce

    Amen. Hope and a fighting spirit happen to go together quite nicely.

  18. 2 saat önce

    You'll have to ask someone who plans on going (assuming it happens at all).

  19. 2 saat önce

    Yep. And we should not agree to any press event where the audience is not shown. All of it. Including his paid cheering section.

  20. 2 saat önce
  21. 7 saat önce

    Congrats Wisconsin! The are going to the Super Bowl. Period.

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