ACT News

We've found the Canberrans with the ultimate celebrity names

You might not know it Canberra, but you're choc full of celebrities.

There are three Michael Jacksons spread across our suburbs. There's an Emma Stone from Captain's Flat. And a 64-year-old landscaper in Queanbeyan named Tony Abbott, who, let's just say, is not a very big fan of the former Prime Minster of the same name.

But we reckon we've found the cutest little celebrity namesake ever - say hello to three-year-old Indiana Jones.

Indiana is the daughter of Rechelle and Andrew Jones, who came under fire from friends and relatives in 2013 when they named their new baby daughter after the lead character of the 1980s movie franchise.

Harrison Ford in one of the Indiana Jones blockbuster films; and three-year-old Indiana Jones.

Harrison Ford in one of the Indiana Jones blockbuster films; and three-year-old Indiana Jones.

But for the couple - who are huge fans of the Harrison Ford movies - naming their daughter Indiana was a no-brainer.


Rechelle and Andrew are so obsessed with the movies that Andrew dressed as Indiana Jones at their wedding, and they even flew to the US for their honeymoon so they could experience - you guessed it - the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland.

They're hoping for a baby boy next, who they'll consider naming Harrison Ford Jones.

"I always liked the name Indiana, a long time before I met Andrew and found out he was a Jones, and it was just perfect when we decided to have kids," Rechelle said.

"Certainly people do laugh - and we've had people criticise us and say how mean it is to name your child after a movie star.

"I didn't really worry about it - because as she gets older people of her generation aren't even going to know who Indiana Jones is or was.

"We always get snickers and laughs, and people at doctors surgeries are always putting their two cents in.

"My response is - it doesn't matter what you name your child, someone's always going to have something to say."

Still too young to know she has a famous name, little Indiana has watched a couple of the Indiana Jones movies with her parents and always yells out in delight when her name's mentioned. Just like the action hero, she also gets called Indi for short.

"She's a real character - she'll be in the limelight one day," Rechelle said.

As a trainer in the public service, Lisa Simpson stands up in front hundreds of new faces in Canberra each week to introduce herself.

"When I say my name everyone stares at me to see 'how am I allowed to react to this?," she laughed.

Lisa said of all The Simpsons characters, Lisa is "the only one I'd want to be related to", but taking on a famous name was not new for the Hall resident.

"I grew up as Lisa Martin, who was a famous marathon runner back in the days of Rob de Castella, and I ran long distance - so all through high school they'd say 'you're that famous Lisa Martin!' and I'd say 'no, I'm not!'"

Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons, and Hall resident Lisa Simpson.

Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons, and Hall resident Lisa Simpson.

According to Lisa, she's surrounded by celebrity names at home and at even at work - her mother-in-law is Maggie Simpson, while the husband of a colleague is named Steve Irwin.

Jennifer Lawrence, co-owner of Murrumbateman Winery, has "some similarities" with the quirky and somewhat clumsy actress of the same name. (The actress famously tripped up the stairs when accepting her Oscar for Best Actress in 2013.)

"I'm not the most coordinated person," Jennifer laughed.

She said she was a fan of the other Jennifer's movies, with Hunger Games at the top of the list.

"I do get lots of comments and laughs," she said.

"And people are particularly excited when they come to the cellar door and I give them my business card - they all say 'I've got Jennifer Lawrence's number!'"

Having a famous name is "a joy" for 68-year-old Queanbeyan man Buddy Holley.

"When I get introduced to people they just say 'What? No! You can't be!'," he laughed.

"Sometimes they look at me a bit funny but mostly people laugh - I'm glad it puts a smile on someone's face."

Buddy said it's little known that the musician's name was actually spelt the exact same way as his.

"On his first album they left the e out and he became a Holly without an e after that," he said.

"If you look at his headstone it's spelt the exact same way as mine."

An avid Canberra Raiders fan and golfer, Buddy said people always "expect" him to perform at karaoke nights given his very famous name.

"Oh Boy and That'll Be the Day are my favourites," he said.

Joining the list of Canberrans with celebrity names is Gordon Ramsay MLA, a Janet Jackson and a Julia Roberts.