[ The Sydney Morning Herald ]

Was Trump's inauguration cake a rip-off of Obama's 2013 cake?

Date: January 22 2017

Amy B Wang

Amid the glitz of President Donald Trump's inaugural festivities, one item stood out in particular late Friday night: a spectacular nine-tier cake that the new president and Vice President Mike Pence cut into with a sword.

To pastry chef Duff Goldman, the cake seemed a little too familiar – because it looked almost exactly like one he had made years earlier for Barack Obama's second inauguration as president.

Just after midnight, the Food Network personality posted a side-by-side comparison of two cakes on his Twitter account.

On the left, Goldman wrote in the caption, was the cake he had created for the "Commander-in-Chief" inaugural ball in 2013. The one on the right was the cake that had just appeared at Trump's "Salute Our Armed Services" ball.

It appeared nearly identical to Goldman's cake from four years ago, right down to the colours, the patriotic bunting, and the placement of several small silver stars and seals.

"I didn't make it," Goldman wrote about Trump's cake, adding a suspicious thinking-face emoji at the end.

Neither Goldman nor representatives from Trump's transition and inauguration teams responded to requests for comment on Saturday morning.

In 2013, Goldman told The Washington Post he wanted Obama's inaugural cake to be perfect.

"When you're doing a cake like this, you know that everybody is going to be looking at it," Goldman said. "It's a lot of pressure. The more recognition you get for something that you do, the greater the pressure becomes, because more people are looking for a mistake. So you really gotta make sure your work is top-notch."

Allegations of plagiarism are not new in Trump's nascent administration. During his transition, Trump aide Monica Crowley said she would not take a national security communications post after charges she had plagiarized several passages in her 2012 book.

And the president's spouse, Melania Trump, was accused of lifting a portion of her speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention from one Michelle Obama gave at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

And shortly after Donald Trump gave his inaugural address on Friday, some thought that a small part of his speech sounded quite similar to words uttered by the Batman villain Bane in The Dark Knight Rises.

It was not even the first time a celebratory cake for Trump had made headlines. On Election Day, a large bust of his head – in cake form – was carted into Trump Tower for his victory party. The jarring image set Twitter afire.

The Washington Post