Twitter Responds Hilariously To Kellyanne Conway's 'Alternative Facts' Comments

If you say it with conviction, it's gotta be true in some universe, right?

23/01/2017 8:31 AM AEDT | Updated 23/01/2017 1:11 PM AEDT
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Mike Segar / Reuters
Well, this got off to a good start. #alternativefacts

The internet has had the last laugh after White House presidential counsellor Kellyanne Conway coined the new saying "alternative facts" over the weekend.

Conway was responding to questions about a false statement made by White House press secretary Sean Spicer about the crowd size at Trump's inauguration. Spicer said it was the "largest audience to ever witness an inauguration -- period -- both in person and around the globe". And well...quite awkwardly, it just wasn't.

Conway was asked about the comments on NBC's Meet The Press and insinuated that Spicer wasn't lying just merely presenting "alternative facts".

"You're saying it's a falsehood, and they're giving -- our press secretary, Sean Spicer, gave alternative facts to that," Conway said in the interview. Wait, what?!

"Alternative facts aren't facts, they are falsehoods," host Chuck Todd said in response.

The latest gaffe has got people bracing themselves for what will be a very long four years. In response Twitter users have created their own #alternativefacts leaving us thinking that in times like these, thank God we have the internet.


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