Current Conditions
23.3°in Melbourne
- Wind: CAL at .0kph
- Humidity: 69%
- 6:15pm AEST Monday - 1.0m
- Sunrise: 6:23am AEDT
- Sunset: 8:40pm AEDT
A trough and lows are triggering showers and thunderstorms over WA and SA, some severe, with hot winds ahead of it. A broad trough over the NT and QLD is also generating thunderstorms, severe over QLD. A deepening monsoon trough is sparking storms over the tropics. More Synoptic information
Skies are clear over VIC under a large ridge of high pressure and warm and dry winds.
Issued at 10:00pm on Sunday 22 January 2017
Strong Wind Warning for the Following Area: East Gippsland Coast