How Oneflare secured $15m from Domain Group

Brett Kaplan, chief financial officer of Oneflare.
Brett Kaplan, chief financial officer of Oneflare.
by Brett Kaplan

Earlier this year, Oneflare secured a $15 million investment from Domain Group. It was the culmination of years of hard work that will allow us to scale up but it also means we can we stop using an outside tap to fill the water cooler.

We had successfully secured early stage investment to help us keep growing, but like any start-up cash flow limitations were a massive struggle. To overcome this, we prioritised our spending: no flash office, no lavish Christmas parties, no funky break out rooms; but we did have passion.

To attract major funding was no fluke. As a young start-up we had to work on three things (among others) to attract the right strategic and financial partner.

The culture of the start-up

Scale-up investors need to be strategic compatible not just a source of funds.
Scale-up investors need to be strategic compatible not just a source of funds. moodboard

Start-up isn't just a trending word to describe a small business. A true start-up is defined by its culture and its ability to innovate and reconfigure with incredible pace and freedom.

Oneflare started five years ago with a small group of people who sat in an office so small, if one of them moved their chair no-one else could do the same. They worked long hours simply because they believed in, and were passionate about, the product. That passion is something that exists today and is shared today by all 75 people in the team.

We could not have attracted Domain without our culture. Sure, shoes are optional, fancy dress a frequency and dogs in the office are a regular occurrence, but more importantly we are quick to try, quick to learn and quick to change.

Proven results

To fulfil our ambitious growth plans we needed not just a financial investor but a strategic partner. This type of search will often lead you to more established trade players, like, in our case, Domain. This type of investor will have lower appetite for risk than early stage investors so you have to offer more than just potential. You need to clearly demonstrate a consistent and growing revenue stream, and if you're not already profitable, there needs to be a clear path to profitability.

These investors will also be looking at the credentials and skills of the management team, the market opportunity and a plan for capturing that opportunity as well as how the invested capital will be used.

In our case, we were able to show a rapidly growing revenue stream as well as a product led plan to maximise the market opportunity.

Strategic fit

It goes without saying that when looking for a strategic and financial partner, strategic fit is important. You need to consider the strategic fit from both the investor's and investee's perspectives. In other words, what are the opportunities for a relationship of mutual benefit?

When we approached Domain to discuss commercial partnering opportunities there were obvious links between the two companies. During those conversations, our business continued to develop to a point where we had reached an appropriate level of product-market fit and were ready to drive scale. We considered a number of options to do this but given our nascent relationship with Domain, they were a natural inclusion in the discussion and we were fortunate to attract their investment.

Running a start-up can be challenging and risky at the best of times. In most cases to get to the next stage you need serious investment and great partnerships to help you get there. In order to do that you need to be passionate, responsive and able to move quickly.

Brett Kaplan is the chief financial officer at Oneflare, an online marketplace that connects people to more than 90,000 businesses in over 150 categories to quote for jobs needed around the home, from cleaning to pest control, gardening, painting, building, interior design, pet care, beauty services, accounting and everything in between.

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