Mobile-first funds manager AtlasTrend raises $2.8m from 'Macquarie mafia'

Atlas Trend co-founder and chief investment officer Kent Kwan.
Atlas Trend co-founder and chief investment officer Kent Kwan. Philip Gostelow

A funds manager which wants to make investing in global equities as engaging as online banking has raised a $2.8 million seed round. AtlasTrend, founded last year by former Macquarie bankers Kent Kwan and Jade Ong, along with Atrium portfolio manager Kevin Hua, is attempting to disrupt traditional funds management in several ways.

Its front end is designed for the mobile phone, and its four funds available online avoid typical designations like "global growth" in favour of specific themes: big data, healthy lifestyle, online shopping and the spending habits of baby boomers.

"Most retail funds managers are asset gatherers who don't really think about engaging with the end investor," Mr Kwan told The Australian Financial Review.

"We've structured our funds around opportunities that people can conceptualise – like the trend to healthier eating – and explained in plain English what every company we've invested in does, and why we think its share price will go up."

AtlasTrend co-founders Kent Kwan and Jade Ong.
AtlasTrend co-founders Kent Kwan and Jade Ong. Supplied

AtlasTrend also eschews fees based on a percentage of assets for flat monthly subscriptions, $27 for investments up to $50,000 and $83 for those up to $250,000, with individual fee negotiations beyond that.

The $2.8 million round, which adds to previous seed rounds totalling $850,000, was led by Alfred Street Investment Partners, a consortium of fellow former and current Macquarie executives co-ordinated by Greg Mackay.

Another contributor was Addventure Partners, a new fund for taking start-ups through to Series A founded by Grant McCarthy, whose Asia-Pacific Growth Management has been an early investor in start-ups like peer-to-peer lender SocietyOne. Addventure is backed by yet more former Macquarie executives.

"One thing I like about AtlasTrend is that it passes the 'mum and dad' test," Mr McCarthy said. "If they online shop then it makes intuitive sense to them to look at a fund of online shopping stocks."

The ecommerce theme has proved the most popular of AtlasTrend's funds so far. Mr Kwan won't disclose subscriber numbers but said "between 500 and 1000" users had tried the service to date, with an average investment of $32,000 from those who committed to a subscription.

The new money will be used to hire an assistant portfolio manager and ramp up marketing including for possible white-label applications of AtlasTrend's front end.

Apart from the subscriptions, AtlasTrend also takes a 15 per cent cut of an individual investor's outperformance of the MSCI World benchmark in Australian dollars. The performance fee is not payable until redemption of the investment.