
Lockout laws to dominate 2017's first Brisbane City Council meeting

The state government's controversial lockout legislation appears set to dominate Brisbane City Council's first meeting of 2017.

In a continuation of the Liberal National Party-controlled council's public feud with the state Labor government, a motion calling on the abandonment of the lockout laws will be introduced at the February 7 meeting at City Hall.

The motion, to be put forward by economic development chairman Krista Adams and seconded by Central ward councillor Vicki Howard, would reiterate the council's opposition to a 1am lockout and called on the state government to abandon its policy.

Given the LNP's huge majority in the council chamber, the motion was certain to pass if voted upon.

"If the state government continues with its ill-conceived plan to introduce lockout laws, thousands of local jobs will be lost and the lifestyle and livability of our city will come into question," Cr Adams said.

"The night-time economy generates billions of dollars for Brisbane, supporting young people with jobs in the hospitality and live music industries.


"Our vibrant nightlife is part of what makes Brisbane Australia's new world city and these lockout laws fly in the face of this image."

The motion prompted a swift rebuke from Attorney-General Yvette D'Ath's office, which accused the LNP councillors of ignoring the issue of alcohol-related violence.

"In recent years there has been too much violence and too much serious injury, and horrifically some people have lost their lives, due to alcohol-fuelled violence," a spokeswoman for Ms D'Ath said.

"It is disappointing to see neither Brisbane City Council's motion or councillor Krista Adams's comments make any mention of the vital issue of tackling alcohol-fuelled violence.

"Our government has honoured an election commitment by introducing laws that reduce the hours where alcohol can be served after midnight."

Ms D'Ath's spokeswoman said evidence showed reducing the service of alcohol after midnight was the most effective way of reducing violence. 

"The LNP failed to listen to the evidence and tackle the core issue of trading hours when it implemented its policy," she said.

"In relation to the lockouts, the government has commissioned a report based on the first six months of operation on our laws, which cabinet will consider."

That report was expected to go before cabinet on Monday.

Cr Adams also took aim at the Liberal-National coalition in New South Wales.

There, Premier Mike Baird has faced vocal opposition over the state's lockout laws, which were introduced by his predecessor, Barry O'Farrell, in February 2014.

Thousands protested against the 1.30am lockout and 3am last drinks in October and, following a review, the NSW government decided to relax the lockout laws.

The NSW restrictions will be moved to a 2am lockout and 3.30am last drinks in a two-year trial.

"We've seen the damage that these laws have done in NSW and that the government has moved to wind them back, there is absolutely no need to send Brisbane up the same garden path and punish the many for the actions of a few," Cr Adams said. 

Cr Howard said her ward, which included the Fortitude Valley entertainment precinct, was particularly affected.

"The state's lockout plans will cost our community jobs; from glassies to cleaners, security and those working behind to bars, as well as the musicians who will lose band booking opportunities," she said.

"These laws are causing confusion and uncertainty for local businesses, with a knock-on effect for many young employees, which is devastating for the Valley."

Notice of the council motion came two days after the Quirk administration's LNP colleagues in State Parliament ramped up their calls for the laws to be wound back.

But it could all be a moot point by the time the February 7 meeting took place.

Earlier this month, Deputy Premier Jackie Trad indicated 1am lockouts may never be introduced, if licensing conditions that limited post-midnight service of alcohol proved effective in reducing violence.

The existing 3am lockout was introduced by the Beattie Labor government in 2006.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said, no matter the content of the review, her goal was a reduction in alcohol-related violence in Queensland.

"I do understand there are people out there with legitimate concern," she said.

"I'm listening and I'm taking this issue incredibly seriously."

In the past year, the council and state government have also clashed over the Brisbane Metro public transport system and the cost of roadwork associated with the Queens Wharf entertainment and casino precinct.