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Home care changes: beware potential rorts

Bina BrownColumnist

Changes to the distribution method of home care funding and who can provide services to the elderly from next month could be the pink batts or VET fee fiasco of aged care unless monitored carefully.

From February 27, consumers will have significantly more choice about their care and who delivers it through government subsidised home care packages.

Rather than allocate about $4 billion in funding to registered providers of home care services to then distribute to individual customers, home care packages will be assigned directly to individuals based on their needs and circumstances.

There are four levels of home care packages, ranging from $11,693.65 to $52,545.40 a year depending on a person's care needs. Rob Homer

The reforms make it possible for individuals requiring services like personal care, social support, or gardening to enable them to remain in their own home to choose a provider that can meet their needs.

Under the consumer-directed care model, individuals are free to select relevant and innovative-care related products or services which a provider will help facilitate.


Allocating the funding to an individual means that someone not happy with their existing provider or the services on offer should be able to change providers easily, although concerns have been raised at the high barriers to change including the time it may take to transfer unspent home care amounts.

Provider concerns

There are four levels of home care packages, ranging from $11,693.65 to $52,545.40 a year depending on a person's care needs.

While the opening up of choice and competition should deliver significant benefits to people wishing to stay in their own home, there are concerns about relatively unknown providers coming into the system and the checks and balances that will be in place to ensure people offering services are qualified to do so.

"The risk for the consumer is the government has put a $4 billion honeypot on the table (Home Care Packages and Commonwealth Home Support Programme) and we are not sure who is going to try to get some of it and what sort of behaviour we might see as a result of it," says Jason Howie, chief executive of aged care service provider Kincare.

"The fear is we could end up with a dysfunctional system, as we saw with VET and pink batts, although the signs are OK at the moment," he says.

The government's home insulation program, which saw hundreds of inexperienced workers install pink batts with dangerous consequences and the introduction of competition to TAFEs through a failed student loan scheme VET FEE HELP, are two recent reminders of the possible rorts that can occur when large amounts of government funds are made available.

A spokeswoman for the Federal Department of Health said there had been strong interest from care providers in becoming approved providers of home care with about 133 applications getting the tick in the past two years, taking the total to about 500.


Vulnerable time

The government allocated about 79,000 Home Care Packages in the year to June 30, 2016, with plans to allocate a total 100,000 packages in 2017-18.

Consumer advocate and home care consultant Annette Whitmee welcomes the competition and the option to switch providers easily. But she questions whether the providers themselves are best placed to inform and educate consumers about the reforms.

"People receiving the packages are at a vulnerable time of their lives and are unlikely to complain about services for fear of losing their funding. They are also being asked to make choices about things they may not understand," she says.

Whitmore believes the government should be doing more to educate consumers about the reforms and make it mandatory for providers to be more open and transparent about their fees.

Higher fees

An ongoing area of concern is the administration or case management fee charged by providers out of the care budget which is known to have reached 45 per cent.

Another concern is that if customers do want to change providers and they have unspent funds in their budget, a provider has 10 weeks to transfer the funds, making a seamless transfer of care unlikely.


Consumers are being encouraged to ask more questions about how the budget is being allocated, the cost of services provided and the administration and exit fees.

Better Caring founder and co-CEO Peter Scutt says independent case management and advice will be critical to help consumers achieve the best outcomes. Better Caring is an online platform connecting people who need care directly with care workers.

"Just like financial services, you don't want your advice from someone who has a product to sell you. A number of approved home care providers position themselves as independent advisors, as they host packages and provide case management, but they do not deliver services themselves. They'll help the consumer develop a plan and then support them with open access to and choice for service delivery," he suggests.

Three key changes

  • From February 27 funding for a home care package follows the consumer rather than being allocated to individual approved providers to deliver services in a particular location or region.
  • Home Care Packages are assigned to consumers through government web portal My Aged Care based on the individual needs and circumstances of consumers and the time they have been waiting for care, regardless of where they live.
  • It will be easier for new providers to enter the home care market, supporting greater choice for consumers.

The author is a director of aged care solutions company Third Age Matters.

Bina Brown writes on issues that affect the ageing population including residential aged care, home care and estate planning.

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