Donald Trump inauguration: 'Carnage stops now'

Trump speech: 'This is your day'

Donald Trump's deeply nationalist and populist inaugural address as the 45th US President has affirmed that he will govern just as he campaigned: as an anti-establishment crusader championing to put "America first" for ordinary citizens who feel "forgotten" by the elites.

In a searing speech from the steps of the US Capitol Building, Trump put the world on notice upon pumping his fist soon after taking the oath of high office.

Trump boldly told thousands of cheering supporters wearing red "Make America Great Again" caps the American "carnage" will stop under his leadership and the US will "start winning again" in international security, trade and commerce.

President Donald Trump pumps his fist after being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.
President Donald Trump pumps his fist after being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. AP

The punchy 16-minute performance that lacked policy details was laced with nationalism and hints of economic protectionism that caused the US dollar to edge lower during his speech.

"We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs," Trump vowed.

Remarkably, for a Republican President, he immediately added, "Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength."

In front of past presidents, serving senators and current congressman, Trump assailed the "all talk, no action" Washington insiders for enriching themselves while the "jobs left and the factories closed".

He spoke of "rusted out factories scattered like tombstones", a failed education system, mothers and women "trapped in poverty" and the "crime and the gangs and the drugs".

The Obamas and the Bidens.
The Obamas and the Bidens. Evan Vucci

With predecessor Barack Obama seated just a few metres away on a drizzly Washington day, Trump vowed the "American carnage stops right here and stops right now".

It was far from the optimistic tones struck by both John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan in their famous inauguration addresses.

The despondent body language of outgoing first lady Michelle Obama was telling, given that Trump inherits an economy in far better shape than the 44th president took over eight years ago.

American business and workers had been fleeced by foreigners for too long, according to Trump.

President Donald Trump walks to his family after taking the oath of office.
President Donald Trump walks to his family after taking the oath of office. AP

"The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world," he said.

There was little deviation from his brash election pitches that cast the country's current fortunes in a dark light.

There was not, nor does it appear that there likely will be, a pivot from rampaging campaigner to toned down commander in chief.

The powerful performance will resonate with Trump's working class voters in the regions and small towns outside the big coastal cities like New York and San Francisco that are prospering.

Hillary Clinton, former US Secretary of State, and former US President Bill Clinton arrive for the inauguration.
Hillary Clinton, former US Secretary of State, and former US President Bill Clinton arrive for the inauguration. Bloomberg

Trump made some effort to unite a deeply divided country by briefly touching on the importance of American "solidarity".

"Whether we are black, brown or white we all bleed the same red blood of patriots," he said.

Yet his radical address will do little to appease the apprehension of the nearly 66 million people who voted for Hillary Clinton. Putting on a brave face, the former first lady and secretary of state attended the event alongside husband and former president Bill Clinton. Trump made no mention of her in his speech, but acknowledged her presence later at a luncheon and requested she be given a standing ovation by the crowd.

Foreign governments and businesses were also put on notice by Trump, who has vowed to negotiate better trade and defence deals for America.

"For many decades we've enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry, subsidised the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military," Trump said.

Importantly for close allies like Australia, Trump said the US will "seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world".

The new President said he will "reinforce old alliances and form new ones" to "unite the civilised world against radical Islamic terrorism".

But in a shot at failed military interventions trying to bring peaceful democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan, Trump said "we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone but rather to let it shine as an example".

For investors, Trump gave few clues about economic policies such as tax reform beyond talking up building new roads, bridges, airports, tunnels and railways "with American hands and American labour".

Stocks on Wall Street declined slightly from their session highs, but remained in positive territory. The US dollar fell a bit versus most currencies.

Ultimately, Trump pledged to make America strong, wealthy and safe again.

"Now arrives the hour of action," he said.

The new President has made big promises and has taken responsibility on his shoulders to fix America's perceived problems.

A nativist, he will pursue success via a mix of strength, nationalism and populism.