NDIS problems continue despite costly investigation

The federal government has spent more than $400,000 on analysing risks and problems with the National Disability Insurance Scheme over the past three months, according to documents obtained under freedom of information laws.

The documents show the Department of Social Services spent $355,000 on a report by PwC Australia into the scheme's IT system that caused widespread disruption to payments when it was introduced in July.

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Why the NDIS is a big deal

One of the biggest policy reforms in generations is about to change the lives of hundreds of thousands of Australians.

A further $66,000 was spent on an independent review by senior public servant Robyn Kruk into the readiness of the NDIS for the transition to full roll out across Australia. The review was distributed to a meeting of state and territory ministers in September but has not been publicly released.

A DSS spokeswoman confirmed the accuracy of the figures.

The National Disability Insurance Agency, which administers the scheme, received more than 2000 complaints about the IT system in the first two months of the program's roll out, the documents show.

Data from the NDIA shows 1083 payments were unsuccessful from October 17 to 23 with a spokeswoman saying the figure represents 3 per cent of claims.


Chantelle Robards, who manages online disability service directory Espyconnect, said an investigation of the flawed IT system was necessary but questioned the cost.

"Providers would be pleased that the process was reviewed because many of them were really struggling to make ends meet and came dangerously close to bankruptcy," she said.

"They were taking out loans and maxing out credit cards so they could continue to survive. Many providers are small businesses or sole practitioners. Along with losing income, they were spending hours on admin.

"I do wonder whether this money could have been better spent on creating a system which actually worked in the first place."

Mr Robards praised the efforts of the NDIA in helping people navigate the IT system that was designed "in-house" by the Department of Human Services.

She said service providers were still experiencing problems with processing payments through the $143 million computer system.

"People are talking about the portal being down today," she said. "It's been one giant mess."

Co-chief executive of People with Disability Australia Ngila Bevan said the NDIA needed adequate resources to operate effectively.

"We are concerned there are continued problems for people with disability in accessing the NDIS," she said.

"We must invest in the NDIA so the disability support system works as well as other public services, like Medicare, rather than increasingly spending money on reviews and reports that don't actually do anything to improve the lives of people with disability."

Opposition families spokeswoman Jenny Macklin said people with disability deserve better, calling on Social Services Minister Christian Porter to fix the problems.

"He now must address these issues as an urgent priority – people with disability shouldn't have to wait any longer," she said.

The $22 billion scheme will gradually roll out across Australia over the next three years, supporting 460,000 people with a disability.