Rohan ConnollyVerified account


Football journalist with The Age, 1116 SEN, rock music tragic ... is there anything else in life? Opinions mine ... and hopefully a few other peoples!

Joined March 2012

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  1. Pinned Tweet

    Perhaps Turnbull IS the right PM for the times. A cowardly opportunist leading an increasingly narrow-minded & scared little country. Bravo.

  2. Why the hell would Bavuma challenge that? As if it wasn't going to pick up an edge that thick!

  3. I implore you you need to act now before he scores another one.

  4. Not a cat playing a piano, a cat playing me. Not even ours, but cute.

  5. "Demise"? He was a 13yo kid, you make him sound like a corporation. And preventing this sort of tragedy exactly what Safe Schools about.

  6. Don't know much about art but I knows what I likes. And I like this.

  7. Ndebele tribe child and grandmother.

  8. Not sure I can actually tweet anything else from this section without an X-rating!

  9. Ooohhhkay! I do love MONA but can be a little confronting!

  10. Even MONA is obsessed!

  11. If the bands Helmet or Quicksand mean something to you, I strongly recommend this. One self-titled album. It's great

  12. Splendid: "the miserable dilettantism...of what passes for this country's conservative intellectual movement"

  13. Great live version of perhaps my favourite Nirvana song ...

  14. Of course she will. Because there's mileage in it for her and her dog-whistling peers.

  15. To the opportunistic pricks who rubbish Safe Schools, remember Tyrone next time you're legitimising intolerance ..

  16. In reply to

    . Watch out Ben. The alt-right is on the march! They're going to overpower us all with their huge arsenal of empty slogans!

  17. OK. How about incredibly stupid and embarrassing example of humanity's worst instincts then? That better?

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