
Xero expands bank links

As debate rages over forcing banks to share more of the data they hold on customers, a growing number of lenders are already doing this with their small business clients through accounting platform Xero.

The trans-Tasman software company says such is the demand from small business customers to access feeds of their own transaction data that it could be a model for financial data sharing in the larger consumer market.

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Eventually, that may mean consumers would be able to apply for bank loans without handing over extensive paperwork on their income, expenses, and debts, as is often required today. That is because if consumers wanted, they could choose to give their bank access to the information held in their personal accounting cloud.

While data sharing in consumer banking is still being debated, Ben Styles, Xero's head of strategic partnerships, financial services, said there had been strong growth in the number of banks providing "feeds" of their small business customers' transactions in recent years.

In 2014, only 27 lenders provided feeds to Xero customers.

"We've now got 68 deposit-taking institutions in Australia, including all of the big four. By June we will have about 100," Mr Styles said.


"The reason that it's accelerated so quickly is because of this idea that consumers, and small businesses are really like a consumer, want direct access to the data in software at the time and place that they need it."

The growth is occurring in what the company has called the "financial web". This is essentially a system that promises to give small business customers faster and simpler access to credit if they agree to let banks see their live business accounts.

It allows small business customers to receive a daily feed of their bank transactions, rather than a monthly bank statement. That information becomes more useful to a lender once it has been fed into Xero, because it may also then include extra information such as the business' debts, and what it is owed.

The key benefits to customers are they can get a better grip on their finances, by receiving much more up-to-date information.

Lenders, on the other hand, can gain a clearer picture of the businesses they are lending money to. That can allow much faster loan approvals, and Mr Styles said it would soon allow some lenders to run a live assessment of their loan exposures.

At the moment, the "financial web" is for business customers.

We think it's very, very likely that [data sharing] could be translated into the consumer market.

Xero's Ben Styles

But Mr Styles said the specific model of deeper data sharing with a bank, via an accounting platform, could well be applied to the consumer market.

"We think it's very, very likely that that could be translated into the consumer market," he said.

The Productivity Commission last year said in a draft report that consumers should have a "right" to access data companies hold on them, triggering debate among banks, which gain commercial advantages by knowing so much about their customers.

Mr Styles said it was important to clarify exactly what data was being discussed in debates such as this, and that customers needed to be able to chose what data may be shared

Xero, which is listed in Australia and New Zealand, is also taking the idea of live feeds overseas, last year signing deals with global lenders including US giant Wells Fargo.