We’re a not-for-profit organisation that provides simple licensing solutions to allow you to use copyright-protected words and images. Fees from licences are paid to our creator members. Find out more about us.

What is it that fuels the creative economy and keeps creators creating? What is it that drives the new knowledge economy? What is it that educates the next generation of thinkers and doers? What is the one critical element no creative economy can do without? Creative content.

Publisher Information

Core services, information and news for publisher members

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Publisher Information

Latest News

January 17, 2017

Call for Entries Open to 8th Annual John Fries Award Read More

December 22, 2016

2017 Triennial Code of Conduct review Read More

December 21, 2016

Opinion: Copyright report isn’t innovation – it’s a rip-off Read More

December 20, 2016

Productivity Commission’s recommendations attack Australian creators Read More

Cultural Fund

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Cultural Fund

Sally Rippin

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Sally Rippin

Anita Heiss

"I want to create resources that encourage young Aboriginal people to read."

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Anita Heiss

Melinda Harper

Read what inspires an abstract painter to create her bold and colourful work.

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Melinda Harper

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