Daily Life

Dear Jess: Your most intimate questions answered by Jessica Rowe

Q. My sister remarried recently and the whole family can't stand her husband, who is a loud, controlling alpha male. I finally told my sister what I thought of him and she has stopped speaking to me. How can I mend this rift?

A. Darling No-Speaking Sister, I am not a professional counsellor but I do understand what it means to have a dysfunctional family! However, we only get one family and you need to decide what sort of relationship you want with yours. Are you genuinely concerned for her wellbeing? Is she being bullied, belittled and at risk of abuse from her husband? If that is the case, I support your stance. Don't isolate your sister – drop around, send her messages, organise to meet for a coffee and don't give up. Keep turning up even if she turns you away. Men who abuse women are experts at isolating partners from their family and friends. But if your sister's new husband is simply irritating, please zip it. I know that's hard. But if you want to see your sister, tell her you're sorry and you miss her

Q. I have started dating again in my 50s. But even if I like the men, the moment they look like they want something more serious, I run a mile. I just don't seem to fancy anyone any more. Is there something wrong with me?

A. Dearest Daring and Dating, there is nothing wrong with you. We are all imperfect, glorious creatures trying to muddle our way through life. Different things have made me happy at different times. In my 20s I wasn't looking for love, just a good time. Once my 30s rolled around, I was ready to settle down but men ran a million miles because they could smell my desperation. Finally, when my fear of being left on the shelf was replaced by action I picked up the phone and started asking blokes out on dates. This is how I met my husband! But what are you looking for? I wonder if you're worried about having your heart broken (again?). There is nothing wrong with no-strings-attached company. Or are you willing to risk opening your heart? Only you know. Trust what your heart is telling you.

These answers are simply my views, and I am far from perfect. I struggle through some days better than others with the help of my family, cats, chocolate and antidepressants.

Have a question for Jess? Contact her via Jessica.Rowe@fairfaxmedia.com.au. Instagram: @jessjrowe Twitter:@JessRowe

Unfortunately, I cannot personally reply to questions